2.04.010 Date of Regular Meetings and Study Sessions
2.04.020 Place of Meetings and Study Sessions
2.04.030 Improper Conduct at Meetings
2.04.040 Adoption of Rules of Procedure and Decorum
2.04.050 Continuity: Term Limitations
2.04.060 Compensation and Reimbursement of City Council and Mayor
2.04.070 Commission Appointments
2.04.080 Appeals to Council
2.04.090 Notice of Appeal: Time Limit - Contents
2.04.100 Appeal Hearings: Notices
2.04.110 Appeals: Hearings
The regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, to commence at 6:00 p.m., with closed session as the first item on the agenda. In the event there is no closed session on the agenda, the regularly scheduled meeting shall commence at 7:00 p.m. Regular study sessions of the City Council shall be held as determined by enactment of the City Council. When the day for any regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, no meeting shall be held on such holiday; but the regular meeting shall be rescheduled for the same hour on a day to be designated by the City Council.
The regular meetings and study sessions of the City Council shall be held at the Council Chambers, 11600 Air Expressway, Adelanto, California, 92301, or in such other place within the City limits to which said meeting may be adjourned. If by reason of fire, flood or other emergency it shall be unsafe to meet in the City Council Chambers, the meeting may be held for the duration of the emergency at such other place as is designated by the Mayor or, if he/she should fail to act, by four (4) members of the City Council. Special Meetings of the City Council shall be held at the place designated herein for regular meetings or at such other place as provided for in the notice and call of the meeting.
Any member or other person(s) using profane, vulgar, loud or boisterous language at any meeting or otherwise interrupting the proceedings, who refuses to be seated or kept quiet when ordered to do so by the Mayor or other presiding officer of the Council, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any member or other person(s) or group(s) who otherwise disrupt a public meeting is subject to removal and arrest in accordance with Chapter 1.25 of this Code.