1153.01   Purpose.
1153.02   Applicability.
1153.03   Nonconforming signs.
1153.04   Maintenance and repair required.
1153.05   Vegetation impairing sign visibility.
1153.06   Permits.
1153.07   Sign removal.
1153.08   Violation, penalty and enforcement.
1153.09   Insurance and bond requirements.
1153.10   Licensing.
1153.11   Variances and appeals.
1153.12   Standards for all signs; modifications.
1153.13   Location and placement.
1153.14   Illumination.
1153.15   Resemblance to traffic devices.
1153.16   Construction standards.
1153.17   Table 26: regulatory status of sign types.
1153.18   Table 27: standards for exempt signs.
1153.19   Table 28: standards for nonexempt signs.
1153.20   Table 29: sign bonuses.
Unauthorized traffic signs - see TRAF. 313.07
Sign definitions - see P. & Z. 1109.01
Sign permit fees - see BLDG. Ch. 1321 OBBC regulations - see OAC 4101:2-29
In Downtown Design Code - see P. & Z. 1171.05 et seq.