(a)   Temporary and Portable Signs. All temporary signs and portable signs shall be either removed or brought into full conformity with the applicable requirements of this Zoning Code within forty-five days of the adoption thereof or of any amendment thereto.
   (b)   Other Signs.
      (1)   All other signs lawfully existing, or holding sign permits issued, prior to the date of adoption of this Code, but which are not in conformance with applicable regulations herein, may be continued as nonconformities.
      (2)   Nonconforming signs shall be subject to all the requirements governing the continuation of nonconforming structures as provided in the regulation governing nonconformities in this Code.
      (3)   Copy on changeable copy signs as defined herein, whether nonconforming or not, may be changed, and faces replaced on other types of signs, provided that there has been no change in use of the premises, that the copy change involves no structural change or change in any dimension of the sign, and that the change does not create any further nonconformity. No nonconforming sign may otherwise be replaced with another nonconforming sign except as approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals under provisions for change of use in Chapter 1157.
      (4)   No elimination or partial elimination of any nonconformity shall be required as a condition of issuance of any sign permit unless there is a change of use or other action specified in Chapter 1157 that requires such elimination or partial elimination.
         (Ord. 87-94. Passed 7-27-87.)