Increase in
For Type of Sign
Conditions for Increase
20% Area
Wall* (in shopping center)
In shopping center with lease provisions approved by the City Law Director that restrict all wall signs to uniform or complimentary dimensions, color(s) and type styles
25% Area
Sign is erected in landscaped planter or area, the design of which is approved by the Community Development Director, that is at least three times the area of the sign in size excluding any landscaped area otherwise required under this Code
20% Area**
Sign height is 12 feet or less
35% Area**
Sign height is 6 feet or less
10% Area
Ornamental pole cover approved by Community Development Director is used
10% Area
Free-standing, wall*, projecting
No more than 2 colors used on sign (including black and white)
10% Area
Free-standing, wall*, projecting
No more than 2 sizes or fonts of type used on sign
10% Area**
Free-standing, wall*, projecting
External illumination only
100% Area
For building setback a minimum of 150 feet from the nearest public street if the sign area is less than 20% of the aggregate area of the front of the business.
Decrease In
For Type of Sign
Conditions for Decrease
30% Setback**
Sign height is 12 feet or less
60% Setback**
Sign height is 6 feet or less
33% Setback
For lots greater than 130 feet deep.
Notes for Table 29
*   Wall sign bonuses apply also to awning signs and canopy signs.
**   Bonus not applicable in HO District.
Note:   Bonuses may be applied cumulatively, except that no more than one area bonus and one setback reduction may be applied for reduced sign height.
   (Ord. 18-124. Passed 12-10-18.)