(a)   Building and Electrical Codes Apply.
      (1)   All signs shall conform to the Building Code, including the electrical provisions therein. Required building or electrical permits shall be obtained at the same time as the sign permit.
      (2)   Conductors for all illuminated signs shall be enclosed in rigid conduit or other approved raceways and shall be controlled with an external disconnect. All sign circuit conduit shall where possible be concealed from public view.
   (b)   Wind Pressure and Dead Load Requirements. All nonexempt signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty pounds per square foot of surface area and to receive dead loads as required in the City Building Code or other City ordinances.
   (c)   Structural Safety. All nonexempt signs shall be designed and constructed in a safe manner and shall be free of any exposed extra bracing, angle iron, guy wires or cables.
   (d)   Glass Requirements. Any glass used on a nonexempt sign other than the window glass of a window sign shall be heavy safety glass at least one-fourth inch thick. All single pieces of glass over three square feet in area shall be wired glass.
   (e)   Framework. All nonexempt signs shall be designed so that all framework for the support of the sign, other than supporting poles for a free-standing sign, shall be contained within or behind the face of the sign, or within the building, so as not to be visible to public view.
   (f)   Anchoring. Free-standing signs shall have self-supporting structures erected on or permanently attached to concrete foundations. No sign shall be suspended by non-rigid attachments that allow the sign to swing freely. Portable signs on display shall be secured to prevent motion.
   (g)   Attachments To Be Secured. All letters, figures, characters and embellishments on a sign shall be safely and securely attached to the sign structure.
(Ord. 87-94. Passed 7-27-87.)