Chap. 1101.    Design Review Board.
         Chap. 1102.    Standards for Development.
         Chap. 1103.    Timber Harvesting.
         Chap. 1104.   Elimination of Spot Blight.
         Chap. 1105. Sign Regulations.
      EDITOR'S NOTE: The City Redevelopment Code and Subdivision Regulations consisting of Ordinance 13-56 and Ordinance 64632, respectively, as amended, are published separately and not codified herein. Copies of these Ordinances may be placed at this location in the Codified Ordinances for convenient access to their provisions. Ordinance 13-56 is also available on the City website.
Design Review Procedure
1101.01   Purpose.
1101.02   Policy.
1101.03   Jurisdictional boundaries.
1101.04   Membership.
1101.05   Rules of Design Review Committee.
1101.06   Procedural guidelines; enforcement provisions and penalties.
1101.07   Submittal requirements.
   1101.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the design review process is to promote the orderly and harmonious development within the central area. Through the application of Chapter 1102, our community's development shall be regulated to protect the public health, safety and welfare, providing stability of land values as well as growth and prosperity through an increase in investment.
(Ord. 94-528. Passed 1-11-95.)
   1101.02 POLICY.
   The City conducts its design review through its Design Review Committee. It is the policy of this Design Review Committee to:
   (a)   Concern itself with the review and approval of development proposals regarding all new construction, demolition, exterior remodeling and building addition work, including parking lots and landscaping, which are within the stated jurisdictional boundaries.
   (b)   Recommend to the Planning Commission amendments for both Chapters 1101 and 1102, as deemed necessary.
   (c)   Move forward on all matters brought before it in an objective and understanding manner. The review procedure shall be carried out through the application of Chapter 1102 to such proposals fairly and uniformly, free from discrimination and/or personal interests.
   (d)   Encourage both public and private participation in the enhancement of the City's growth and development by working to prevent the deterioration of the City's visual character, beauty and harmony.
   (e)   Assume the necessary leadership role in providing appropriate assistance and advice on development matters to those who desire to develop, remodel or improve properties within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Committee.
      (Ord. 94-528. Passed 1-11-95.)