(a)   General Prohibitions.
      (1)   No user shall introduce, or cause to be introduced, into the XWWTP any pollutant or wastewater which causes pass-through or interference. These general prohibitions apply to all users of the XWWTP, whether or not they are subject to categorical pretreatment standards or any other Federal, State or local pretreatment standard or requirement.
      (2)   No person shall discharge, convey, or permit, or allow to be discharged or conveyed, to a public sewer any wastewater containing pollutants of such character or quantity that will:
         A.   Not be susceptible to treatment or interfere with the process or efficiency of the treatment system;
         B.   Violate pretreatment standards or requirements; or
         C.   Cause the XWWTP to violate its NPDES permit or applicable receiving water standards.
   (b)   Specific Prohibitions. No user shall discharge or cause to be introduced into the XWWTP any of the following:
      (1)   Pollutants that create a fire or explosion hazard in the XWWTP including, but not limited to, waste streams with a closed-cup flashpoint of less than one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140° F) or sixty degrees Celsius (60° C) using the test method specified in 40 CFR 261.21;
      (2)   Pollutants that will cause corrosive structural damage to the XWWTP, but in no case discharges with a pH lower than 6.0 or higher than 11.5;
      (3)   Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts that will cause obstruction to the flow in the XWWTP and thereby result in interference;
      (4)   Any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.), released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration that will cause interference with the XWWTP;
      (5)   Heat in amounts that will inhibit biological activity in the XWWTP and result in interference, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the XWWTP exceeds one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit (140° F) or forty degrees Celsius (40° C);
      (6)   Discharges of petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil or products of mineral-oil origin, if discharged in amounts than can cause pass-through or interference;
      (7)   Pollutants that result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the XWWTP in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems;
      (8)   Any water or waste containing wax, fats, grease, or oils, whether emulsified or not, in excess of one hundred milligrams per liter (100 mg/l), or containing substances that may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between thirty-two and one hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (32° - 150° F) or between zero and sixty-five and one-half degrees Celsius (0° - 65.5° C);
      (9)   Noxious or malodorous solids, liquids, or gases which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life, or are or may be sufficient to prevent entry into a sewer for its maintenance and repair;
      (10)   Garbage that has not been ground or comminuted to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in suspension under flow conditions normally prevailing in the public sewers, with no particle greater than one-half inch (½") in any dimension;
      (11)   Wastewaters at a flow rate or containing such concentrations or quantities of pollutants that exceeds, for any time period longer than fifteen (15) minutes, more than five times (5x) the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration, quantities, or flow during normal operation and that would cause a treatment process upset and subsequent loss of treatment efficiency;
      (12)   Any toxic substances in amounts exceeding standards promulgated by the Administrator of the USEPA, pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Act; any chemical elements or compounds, phenols or other taste or odor-producing substances; or any other substances which are not susceptible to treatment, or that may interfere with the biological processes or efficiency of the XWWTP or that will pass through the system including, but not limited to, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc;
      (13)   Any unpolluted water including, but not limited to, stormwater, surface water, roof runoff and/or noncontact cooling water, that will increase the hydraulic load on the XWWTP, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the City;
      (14)   Wastes that impart color which cannot be removed by the treatment process including, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, and that consequently impart color to the XWWTP's effluent, thereby violating the NPDES permit; or
      (15)   Discharges of trucked or hauled wastes, except at specific locations and times as designated by the Director. Any removal of manhole lids or other access to the sewer system for the purpose of discharging wastes at times and/or locations other than those designated, or without the expressed permission of the Director, shall be considered a violation and shall be subject to enforcement action including fines and penalties allowed under this Chapter.
   (c)   Exceptions. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the City and any user of the XWWTP whereby wastewater of unusual strength or character is discharged into the system; however, no agreement shall be made which violates any Federal or State standards or requirements, including categorical pretreatment standards.
   (d)   Discharge Limitations.
      (1)   The approved pretreatment program for the XWWTP sets wastewater discharge limitations for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, copper, lead, molybdenum, nickel, mercury, silver and zinc for significant industrial users discharging to the City's sewer system. Such limits shall be specified in the significant industrial user's wastewater discharge permit issued by the City.
      (2)   All other industrial users of the XWWTP may not discharge above generally accepted domestic levels without receiving a wastewater discharge permit from the City.
      (3)   Discharge permits shall impose maximum discharge-concentration limits or mass-based limits where appropriate.
      (4)   Local requirements and limitations on discharges to the XWWTP shall be met by all users subject to those standards in any instance in which they are more stringent than Federal or State requirements and limitations.
      (5)   If the Director determines that the amount of water used by any user is excessive or that the nature of the user's discharge to the XWWTP is such that it requires extra treatment, the Director may impose additional treatment requirements upon the user and said user may, in the sole discretion of the Director, be subject to extra strength surcharges, as set forth in Section 1016.09 of this Chapter.
   (e)   Standards.
      (1)   National categorical pretreatment standards, as promulgated by the USEPA pursuant to the Act, shall be met by all industrial users who are subject to such standards.
      (2)   State requirements and limitations on discharges to the XWWTP shall be met by all users subject to those standards in any instance in which the State requirements are more stringent than the Federal requirements and limitations, or those in this Chapter or any other applicable ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-20. Adopted 08/27/20; Ord. 2023-38. Adopted 12/28/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)