Chap. 606. General Provisions.
            Chap. 608. Administration, Enforcement and Public Service.
            Chap. 612. Alcoholic Beverages.
            Chap. 618. Animals.
            Chap. 620. Civil Rights.
            Chap. 622. Clean Indoor Air.
            Chap. 624. Drugs.
            Chap. 630. Gambling.
            Chap. 636. Offenses Relating to Persons.
            Chap. 642. Property Offenses.
            Chap. 648. Peace Disturbances.
            Chap. 660. Safety, Sanitation and Health.
            Chap. 666. Sex Related Offenses.
            Chap. 672. Theft and Fraud.
            Chap. 676. Vegetation. (Repealed)
            Chap. 678. Weapons and Explosives.
            Chap. 698. Penalties and Sentencing.
606.01   (Reserved)
606.02   Classification of Offenses
606.03   Offenses Defined
606.04   Rules of Construction
606.05   Criminal Law Jurisdiction
606.06   Limitation on Criminal Prosecution
606.07   Requirements for Criminal Liability; Voluntary Intoxication
606.08   Culpable Mental States
606.09   Organizational Liability
606.10   Personal Accountability for Organizational Conduct
606.11   Attempt
606.12   Complicity
606.13   Self Defense; Limitations on Duty to Retreat Prior to Using Force
   See sectional histories for similar State law
   Burden and Degree of Proof - see ORC 2901.05
   Definition of Imprisoned - see ORC 1.05
   Venue - see ORC 2901.12; 2931.29 et seq.
§ 606.01 (Reserved)
   As used in this General Offenses Code:
   (a)   Offenses include misdemeanors of the first, second, third and fourth degree, minor misdemeanors, and offenses not specifically classified.
   (b)   Regardless of the penalty that may be imposed, any offense specifically classified as a misdemeanor is a misdemeanor.
   (c)   Any offense not specifically classified is a misdemeanor if imprisonment for not more than one (1) year may be imposed as a penalty.
   (d)   Any offense not specifically classified is a minor misdemeanor if the only penalty that may be imposed is one of the following:
      (1)   For an offense committed prior to January 1, 2004, a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100); or
      (2)   For an offense committed on or after January 1, 2004, a fine not exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150), community service under ORC 2929.27(D) or a financial sanction other than a fine under ORC 2929.28.
(ORC 2901.02)
   (a)   No conduct constitutes a criminal offense against the City unless it is defined as an offense in this General Offenses Code.
   (b)   An offense is defined when one or more sections of this General Offenses Code state a positive prohibition or enjoin a specific duty and provide a penalty for violation of such prohibition or failure to meet such duty.
   (c)   This section does not affect the power of a court to punish for contempt or to employ any sanction authorized by law to enforce an order, civil judgment or decree.
(ORC 2901.03)