General Provisions
95.001 Application
95.002 Definitions
Certification Conditions
95.015 Conditions to operation of vessels
95.016 Exemption
95.017 Types of certifications; fees and taxes; exemptions
95.018 Notice of destruction, abandonment or sale of vessel; transfer of vessel; fees; duration
95.019 Dealer certificates of number and dealer decals
95.020 Violation; record of charge or citation; inspections and modifications
Numbering and Identification
95.035 Applicability
95.036 Form of number
95.037 Numbers; display; size; color
95.038 Other numbers prohibited
95.039 Documented vessels; decals; display
95.040 Removal of number
95.041 Validation decals; display; size; color
95.055 Applicability; casualties involving vessels
95.056 Immediate notification of death or disappearance
95.057 Report of collision, accident or other casualty
Operation Regulations
95.070 Operation of motorboats by children
95.071 Personal flotation devices; exception; definitions
95.072 Operation of personal watercraft; requirements; prohibitions; exception
95.073 Operation of vessels; rules; speed; interference with use of waters by others
95.074 Maximum or unlimited motorboat speed; rules; exceptions; waiver
95.075 Reckless operation of vessels
95.076 Operating motorboat at more than slow-no wake speed; prohibitions; exceptions
95.077 Operation in counter-clockwise fashion; distance between persons being towed and other objects; exception
95.078 Operation of vessels; prohibited in certain areas
95.079 Towing of person; prohibited time; exceptions
95.080 Vessels; use of portions unintended for occupancy prohibited; exceptions
95.081 Interface with operation of vessel by non-occupant
95.082 Divers; marking point of submergence; distance from diver’s flag
95.083 Motorboat; muffler or underwater exhaust system required; maximum sound levels
95.084 Responsibility for damage caused by vessel wake
95.085 Peace officers; stopping of vessels; duty of operator
95.086 Negligent crippling or death
95.100 Inspection of watercraft and equipment
95.101 Maximum capacity tags
95.102 Weight capacity
95.103 Horsepower capacity
95.104 Passenger capacity
95.115 Applicability
95.116 Navigation lights; intensity standards; placement; screening
95.117 Personal flotation devices
95.118 Fire extinguishing equipment
95.119 Backfire flame control
95.120 Ventilation
95.121 Muffler; cut outs
95.122 Violation
Outboard Motorboats
95.135 Less than 16 feet in length
95.136 Sixteen feet or over and less than 26 feet in length
95.137 Twenty-six feet or over and less than 40 feet in length
95.138 Forty feet or over and not more than 65 feet in length
Inboard and Inboard-Outboard Motorboats
95.150 Less than 16 feet in length
95.151 Sixteen feet or over and less than 26 feet in length
95.152 Twenty-six feet and over and less than 40 feet in length
95.153 Forty feet and over and not more than 65 feet in length
Sailboats and Other Types of Boats
95.165 Sailboat without motor, less than 16 feet in length
95.166 Sailboat without motor, 16 feet or over in length
95.167 Sailboat with motor
95.168 Rowboats
95.169 Canoes and kayaks
95.170 Speed of boats; no wake
Personal Watercraft
95.185 Definitions; applicable to personal watercraft
95.186 Applicability
95.187 Rules
95.188 Operation of personal watercraft; requirements; prohibition; violation
95.189 Reckless operation of personal watercraft; impoundment
95.190 Operation of personal watercraft; distance requirements; exceptions
95.191 Individual required to complete boating safety course; certificate required
95.192 Display of boating safety certificate
95.193 Operation of personal watercraft; graduated age provisions
95.194 Certification requirements for out-of-state residents
95.195 Sources of boating safety courses; failure of dealer to advise; violation
95.196 Availability of documents to dealer; providing documents to buyer
95.197 Enforcement of subchapter
95.198 Compliance with state law
Restrictions, Violations and Penalties
95.210 Operation of vessel by person under influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substance
95.211 Enhanced sentencing
95.212 Peace officer; arrest without warrant; reasonable cause; conditions; returning vessel and occupants to shore; effect of not charging person receiving citation
95.213 Chemical test and analysis of blood, urine or breath; collection of sample or specimen; application of administrative rules
95.214 Chemical tests; administration; procedures; evidence
95.215 Order not to operate vessel on waters of state; convictions; effectiveness
95.216 Failure to answer citation or notice or comply with judgment or order; conditions
95.217 Person subject to order; prohibited conduct
95.218 Impoundment of vessel; order; execution; liability for expenses; rights of conditional vendor, chattel mortgagee or lessor of vessel
95.219 Conviction based on plea of nolo contendere
95.220 Public dock, pier, wharf or retaining wall; entry or use prohibited under certain wind condition; barricades; notice
95.999 Penalty
(A) This chapter applies to vessels and associated equipment used, to be used or carried in vessels used on waters subject to the jurisdiction of the city.
(B) This chapter, except where expressly indicated otherwise, does not apply to any of the following:
(1) Foreign vessels temporarily using waters subject to the jurisdiction of the city;
(2) Military or public vessels of the United States, except recreational-type public vessels;
(3) A vessel whose owner is a state or political subdivision of a state, other than the state and its political subdivisions, that is used principally for governmental purposes and that is clearly identifiable as such; and/or
(4) A ship’s lifeboat.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-1) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANCHORED RAFTS. All types of non-powered rafts used for recreation purposes that are anchored seasonally on waters of the state or city.
ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Any of the following that are not radio equipment:
(1) An original system, part or component of a boat at the time that boat was manufactured, or a similar part or component manufactured or sold for replacement;
(2) Repair or improvement of an original or replacement system, part or component;
(3) An accessory or equipment for, or appurtenance to, a boat; and
(4) A marine safety article, accessory or equipment intended for use by a person on board a boat.
BOAT. A vessel.
BOAT LIVERY. A business that holds a vessel for renting, leasing or chartering.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. As defined in § 7104 of the Public Health Code, Public Act 368 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. § 333.7104.
CONVICTION. A final conviction, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty or nolo contendere if accepted by the court, a finding of guilt or a probate court disposition on a violation of this chapter, regardless of whether the penalty is rebated or suspended.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-11)
DEALER. A person and an authorized representative of that person who annually purchases from a manufacturer, or who is engaged in selling or manufacturing, six or more vessels that require certificates of number under this chapter or as required by state law.
IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT. Any of the following:
(1) A valid Michigan operator’s or chauffeur’s license;
(2) A valid driver’s or chauffeur’s license issued by an agency, department or bureau of the United States or another state;
(3) An official identification card issued by an agency, department or bureau of the United States, the State of Michigan or another state; and
(4) An official identification card issued by a political subdivision of the State of Michigan or another state.
ISSUING AUTHORITY. The United States Coast Guard or a state that has a numbering system approved by the United States Coast Guard.
LAW OF ANOTHER STATE. A law or ordinance enacted by another state or by a local unit of government in another state.
LIFEBOAT. A small boat designated and used solely for lifesaving purposes, and does not include a dinghy, tender, speedboat or other type of craft that is not carried aboard a vessel for lifesaving purposes.
LONG-TERM INCAPACITATING INJURY. An injury that causes serious impairment of a body function.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-12)
MANUFACTURER. A person engaged in any of the following:
(1) The manufacture, construction or assembly of boats or associated equipment;
(2) The manufacture or construction of components for boats and associated equipment to be sold for subsequent assembly; and/or
(3) The importation of a boat or associated equipment into the state for sale.
MARINE LAW. This chapter, M.C.L.A. §§ 324.80101 et seq. (part 801) or a rule adopted under the state’s Administrative Code which is incorporated herein by reference.
MARINE SAFETY ACT. Former Public Act 303 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 281.1001 through 281.1199.
MARINE SAFETY PROGRAM. Marine law enforcement, search and rescue operations, water safety education, recovery of drowned bodies and boat livery inspections.
MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE. Public Act 300 of 1949, being M.C.L.A. §§ 257.1 through 257.923.
MOTORBOAT. A vessel propelled wholly or in part by machinery.
OPERATE. To be in control of a vessel while the vessel is under way and is not secured in some manner such as being docked or at anchor.
OPERATOR. The person who is in control or in charge of a vessel while the vessel is under way and is not secured in some manner such as being docked or at anchor.
OWNER. A person who claims or is entitled to lawful possession of a vessel by virtue of that person’s legal title or equitable interest in a vessel.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-13)
PASSENGER. A person carried on board a vessel other than any of the following:
(1) The owner or his or her representative; and/or
(2) The operator.
PEACE OFFICER. Any of the following:
(1) A sheriff;
(2) A sheriff’s deputy;
(3) A deputy who is authorized by a sheriff to enforce this chapter, the Marine Laws or Marine Safety Act and who has satisfactorily completed at least 40 hours of law enforcement training, including training specific to this part;
(4) A village or township marshal;
(5) An officer of the Police Department of the city;
(6) An officer of the State Police; and/or
(7) The Director and conservation officers employed by the Department of Environmental Quality.
PERSONAL WATERCRAFT. A vessel that meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Uses a motor-driven propeller or an internal combustion engine powering a water jet pump as its primary source of propulsion;
(2) Is designed without an open load carrying area that would retain water; and
(3) Is designed to be operated by one or more persons positioned on, rather than within, the confines of the hull.
PORT. Left, and reference is to the port side of a vessel or to the left side of the vessel.
PROBATE COURT DISPOSITION. The entry of the probate court order of disposition for a child found to be within the provisions of Ch. XIIA of Public Act 288 of 1939, being M.C.L.A. §§ 712A.1 through 712A.31.
PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. The Prosecuting Attorney of the city.
REGATTA, BOAT RACE, MARINE PARADE, TOURNAMENT or EXHIBITION. An organized water event of limited duration that is conducted according to a prearranged schedule.
SLOW-NO WAKE SPEED. A very slow speed whereby the wake or wash created by the vessel would be minimal.
STARBOARD. Right, and reference is to the starboard side of a vessel or to the right side of the vessel.
STATE AID. Payment made by the state to a county for the conduct of a marine safety program.
UNDOCUMENTED VESSEL. A vessel that does not have, and is not required to have, a valid marine document issued by the United States Coast Guard or Federal Agency successor to the United States Coast Guard.
UNIFORM INSPECTION DECAL. An adhesive-backed sticker created by the state pursuant to M.C.L.A. § 324.80166 that is color-coded to indicate the year that it expires and is attached to a vessel in the manner prescribed for decals in M.C.L.A. § 324.80122.
USE. Operate, navigate or employ.
VESSEL. Every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.
WATERS OF THIS STATE. Any waters within the territorial limits of the state, and includes those waters of the Great Lakes that are under the jurisdiction of the state.
WATERS OF THE CITY. Any waters within the territorial limits of the city and includes the waters of the state under the jurisdiction of the city.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-14)
(Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)