(A) Each judge and each clerk of a court of record shall keep a full record of every case in which a person is charged with or cited for a violation of this chapter corresponding to regulating the operation of vessels.
(B) (1) Within 14 days after a conviction, forfeiture of bail, entry of a civil infraction determination or default judgment upon a charge of, or citation for, violating this chapter regulating the operation of vessels, the judge or clerk of the court of record shall prepare and immediately forward to the Secretary of State an abstract of the record of the court for the case.
(2) The abstract shall be certified to be true and correct by signature, stamp or facsimile signature by the person required to prepare the abstract.
(3) If the city is authorized to accept a payment of money as a settlement for a violation of the chapter, the city shall send a full report of each case in which a person pays any amount of money to the city to the Secretary of State upon a form prescribed by the Secretary of State.
(C) The abstract or report required under this section shall be made upon a form furnished by the Secretary of State.
(D) (1) Every person required to forward abstracts to the Secretary of State under this section shall certify for the period from January 1 through June 30 and for the period from July 1 through December 31 that all abstracts required to be forwarded during the period have been forwarded.
(2) The certification shall be filed with the Secretary of State not later than 28 days after the end of the period covered by the certification.
(3) The certification shall be made upon a form furnished by the Secretary of State.
(E) The court shall not submit, and the Secretary of State shall discard and not enter on the boating record, an abstract for a conviction of civil infraction determination for a violation of this part that could not be the basis for the Secretary of State’s issuance of an order not to operate a vessel on the waters of the state. The Secretary of State shall discard and not enter on the boating record an abstract for a bond forfeiture that occurred outside the state.
(F) If a conviction or civil infraction determination is reversed upon appeal, the court shall transmit a copy of the order of reversal to the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of State shall enter the order in the proper book or index in connection with the record of the conviction or civil infraction determination.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-26) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
This subchapter regarding the numbering of vessels and motorboats apply to all motorboats and all other vessels 12 feet in length or over which are required to be numbered or to display a decal indicating payment of fees under the state laws and which are operated on any waters within the territorial limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-41) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
(A) Each number required by the Act shall consist of capital letters “MC” denoting the State of Michigan, followed by four numerals followed by two capital letters (e.g., MC 0000 AA).
(B) A number suffix shall not include the letters I, O or Q which may be mistaken for numerals.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-42) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
(A) Each number required by this chapter or the state laws shall meet all of the following requirements:
(1) Be painted on or permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the vessel or motorboat, except as allowed by divisions (B) or (C) below;
(2) Be in plain vertical block characters of not less than three inches in height;
(3) Contrast with the color of the background and be distinctly visible and legible;
(4) Have spaces or hyphens that are equal to the width of the letter “M” between the letter and number groupings (e.g., MC 0000 AA or MC-0000-AA);
(5) Read from left to right; and
(6) Be as high above the water line as practical.
(B) When a vessel or motorboat is used by a manufacturer or dealer for testing or demonstrating, the number may be painted on or attached to removable plates that are temporarily, but firmly attached to each side of the forward half of the vessel or motorboat.
(C) On vessels or motorboats so configured that a number on the hull or superstructure would not be easily visible, the number must be painted on or attached to a backing plate that is attached to the forward half of the vessel or motorboat so that the number is visible from each side of the vessel or motorboat.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-43) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
(A) Each decal required by the laws of the state to indicate payment of fees required of vessels documented by the United States Coast Guard or federal agency successor thereto shall be:
(1) Identical to the validation decal prescribed in Mich. Admin. Code R. § 281.1208;
(2) Be permanently affixed to each side of the forward half of the vessel; and
(3) Be as high above the water line as practical.
(B) When a decal is lost, destroyed or defaced, the owner of the documented vessel shall apply to the Secretary of State for a duplicate decal.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-45) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
The person whose name appears on a certificate of number as the owner of a motorboat or vessel shall remove the number and validation decal from the vessel when one of the following occurs:
(A) The motorboat or vessel is documented by the United States Coast Guard or federal agency successor thereto; however, the decal prescribed in Mich. Admin. Code R. § 281.1206 shall then be displayed;
(B) The certificate of number is invalid under the Act; and/or
(C) The motorboat or vessel is no longer principally used in the state.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-46) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)
(A) The validation decal required by the laws of the state shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Be permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the motorboat or vessel;
(2) Be approximately three inches square;
(3) Indicate the year in which the decal expires by the colors, blue, international orange, green and red, in rotation beginning with blue decals that expire in 1973 (e.g., decal expires 12-31-1973: blue; expires 12-31-1974: international orange; expires 12-31-1975: green; expires 12-31-1976: red; expires 12-31-1977: blue; and the like); and
(4) Be displayed on each side of the motorboat or vessel three inches beyond the last letter of the assigned number and on the same strake or level as the number.
(B) When a validation decal is lost, destroyed or defaced, the owner of the motorboat or vessel shall apply to the Secretary of State for a duplicate.
(Prior Code, § 21.5-47) (Ord. 1048, passed 5-18-1998)