(a) Cornices, eaves, sills, canopies or similar projections may extend or project into required side yards not more than two inches for each one foot of width of such side yard, and may extend or project into a required front or rear yard not more than thirty inches. Bay windows and chimneys may project into a required front, side or rear yard not more than eighteen inches provided the side yard is not reduced to less than six feet.
(b) Open structures such as porches, balconies, platforms, carports and covered patios shall be considered a part of the building to which attached and shall not project into the required minimum yards, except as otherwise provided herein.
(c) Uncovered floor areas such as patios, decks and similar structures accessory to a dwelling shall be permitted to within not less than fifteen feet of the rear lot line provided that the floor level of the structure shall be not more than three feet above the adjacent grade prior to construction of the structure, and provided that railings, screens, posts or other enclosures shall project not more than four feet above the floor surface of the structure.
(Ord. 117-88. Passed 1-9-89.)
The setback for all buildings and accessory buildings along major traffic routes shall be:
(a) Along freeways and expressways: | 50 feet |
(b) Along regional thoroughfares: | 50 feet |
(c) Along High Street northward from Worthington-Galena Road: | 100 feet |
Exceptions: Setback within “C-5” District – None (see Section 1141.04).
(Ord. 33-2001. Passed 11-5-01.)
(a) At corner lots, no accessory uses, accessory structures, structures, material or equipment storage shall be located in any required front yard. Side yards fronting on the adjacent street can be reduced to two-thirds of the required front setback from the right of way of the adjacent street.
(b) No accessory buildings shall be located in any front or side yard except under unusual circumstances where such building shall not conflict with the intent and purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, or, where enforcement shall result in extreme hardship. In either case the decision to permit such activity shall be made by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Accessory buildings such as garages and storage buildings exceeding 120 square feet in area may be located in the rear yard provided such buildings are set back at least eight feet from the side lot lines and ten feet from the rear lot line. Accessory buildings of 120 square feet or less in area must be set back at least five feet from the side and rear lot lines. In any “R” District the total area for accessory buildings shall be limited to 850 square feet and must be compatible in materials and appearance to the other buildings in the area.
(c) Domestic fowl coops and runs may be located in the rear yard provided such structures are set back at least three feet (3') from the side and rear lot lines. Domestic fowl coops and runs approved by Columbus Public Health shall not count towards accessory building area as referenced in Section 1149.08(b) or be subject to approval from the Architectural Review Board as referenced in Chapter 1177.
(d) No accessory uses or structures, off-street parking facilities, except for single family, or material or equipment storage shall be located in any required front yard, except as otherwise provided herein. On High Street northward from the Worthington-Galena Road parking facilities, which are incidental to the primary use of the property involved, but not including structures, may be located within fifty feet (50) of the right of way.
(e) All yard areas not used for access, parking, circulation, buildings and services shall be landscaped and maintained.
(Ord. 29-2024. Passed 9-16-24.)
In any district on any corner lot, no fence, structure or planting shall be erected or maintained within ten feet of either the front or side yard right-of-way line at a height greater than two and one-half feet above street grade, nor shall any vehicle or other obstruction be located within fifteen feet of either the front or side yard right-of-way line so as to interfere with traffic visibility. Trees are permitted if trimmed so that no foliage is less than ten feet above street grade.
(Ord. 51-71. Passed 12-13-71.)