The purpose of this chapter is to maintain a high character of community development, to protect and preserve property, to promote the stability of property values and to protect real estate from impairment or destruction of value for the general community welfare by regulating the exterior architectural characteristics of structures and preservation and protection of buildings of architectural or historical significance throughout the hereinafter defined Architectural District. It is the further purpose of this chapter to recognize and preserve the distinctive historical and architectural character of this community which has been greatly influenced by the architecture of an earlier period in this community's history. These purposes shall be served by the regulation of exterior design, use of materials, the finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of all structures hereinafter altered, constructed, reconstructed, erected, enlarged or remodeled, removed or demolished in the hereinafter defined Architectural District.
(Ord. 36-90. Passed 10-22-90.)
There is hereby established an Architectural District which shall include all lots within the area of the original Village of Worthington as laid out in 1803, bounded on the north by North Street, on the south by South Street, on the east by Morning Street and on the west by Evening Street including all lots abutting on the aforegoing named streets and additionally the lot at the southeast corner of East South Street and Granby Street and to the south along Granby Street.
The Architectural Review District shall also include all lots abutting High Street within the corporate limits of the City on both the east and west sides commencing at North Street and extending north to the northernmost corporation line and commencing at South Street and extending to the southernmost corporation line; and all lots abutting Granville Road within the corporate limits of the City on both the north and south sides commencing at Morning Street and extending east to the easternmost corporation line and commencing at Evening Street and extending west to the westernmost corporation line; plus the lot at the northwest corner of Pingree Drive and East Dublin-Granville Road and the lot immediately adjacent thereto to the north along Pingree Drive; plus all lots within the Kenyon Brook Subdivision, the Bellebrooke Subdivision, Rehe’s Subdivision, the Maxton Place Subdivision, the Worthington Mall Subdivision, the lot at the northeast corner of High Street and East Wilson Bridge Road and the two lots immediately adjacent thereto to the east along East Wilson Bridge Road, the re-subdivision of Lots 21 and 22 of the Morris Addition (Greenwich Street East Subdivision.) and the parcel at 966 Proprietors Road created by Subdivision Without Plat (SWOP 02-05) approved September 6, 2005. The boundaries of the above described Architectural District are additionally set forth on the map of the City which is attached to original Ordinance 44-2005 and made a part hereof.
(Ord. 44-2005. Passed 10-17-05.)