1335.18 PERMIT FEES.
The fee for any permit issued under this chapter shall be determined by the Division of Building Standards in accordance with the Schedule of Fees set forth in Chapter 1349.
(Ord. 1994-26. Passed 6-20-94.)
(a) Authority of Division. All heating and ventilating installed, altered, replaced or repaired in or about any building, structure or premises within the City shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Division.
(b) Conductors To Be Left Open Until Inspection. No heating or ventilating or parts thereof shall be covered or concealed until the Division has approved the installation and given permission to cover or conceal the same. It shall be the duty of the person obtaining a permit to give twenty-four hours notice to the Division when work is ready for inspection. Work shall be inspected as soon as possible after receipt of such notice. Conformance of work to the provisions of this Code shall be indicated by the Division by posting an official unit tag or seal of conformance.
(c) Final Inspection; Certificate of Approval. All work covered by this Code shall be submitted for final inspection and approval before being placed in service. If the installation is found to be complete and in conformity with all provisions of this Code, a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Division.
(d) Tests for Conformity. Tests necessary to verify that an installation is in conformity with the requirements of this Code shall be performed in the presence of an authorized inspector of the Division and any equipment, material, power and labor necessary for such tests shall be furnished by the holder of the permit.
(e) Incompleteness or Nonconformity; Time Allowed for Corrections; Stop-Work Order. When inspection shows work submitted for inspection to be incomplete or not in conformity with requirements of this Code, the permit holder shall make the corrections or additions within seventy-two hours and resubmit the work for inspection. Failure to correct rejected work shall be cause for issuance of a stop-work order on the entire project, or for suspension or revocation of the permit.
(f) Reinspections. The Division may reinspect the heating and ventilating in all commercial buildings annually and in all other buildings and structures at least once every three years, except one, two and three-family dwellings, which may be reinspected whenever vacated and before being reoccupied by new owners or tenants.
(g) Time Limit for Repairs or Modifications. When an installation is found, upon reinspection, to be defective or in any unsafe or nonconforming condition, the necessary repairs or modifications shall be made by the person owning, using or operating the same, and such person shall make the necessary repairs or changes within ten days. Reasonable extensions of time may be allowed by the Division when repairs or modifications, as required, are begun within the ten-day period, but the work must be carried to completion without undue delay.
(Ord. 1973-73. Passed 6-15-73.)
There is hereby adopted by the Municipality, and incorporated as if fully set out at length herein for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing the installation of heating supply, ventilating or conditioning systems and other related matters within the City OBC Sections 4101:2- 1 through 4101:2-54 and Ohio Mechanical Code Sections 4101:2-33 through 4101:2-52, current edition as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards and all of the above as published in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
Within the City these mechanical regulations shall apply to all buildings, including one, two and three-family dwellings.
(Ord. 2005-35. Passed 12-5-05.)
(a) Definitions.
(1) “Solid fuel fired outdoor heating device” means any equipment, device or apparatus, or any part thereof, which is installed, affixed or situated outdoors for the primary purpose of combustion of fuel to produce heat or energy used as a component of a heating system providing heat for any interior space or water source.
(2) “Chimney” means any vertical structure enclosing flue or flues that carry off smoke or exhaust from a solid fuel fired outdoor heating device, especially that part of such structures extending above a roof.
(b) Regulations for Solid Fuel Fired Outdoor Heating Devices.
(1) An HVAC permit must be obtained from the building standards division prior to the installation of any solid fuel fired outdoor heating device and all inspections must be performed. The applicant shall provide a site plan depicting the proposed location on the property, including distances from adjacent structures. The height of the proposed chimney stack and proposed screening plan shall be indicated.
(2) All solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices must be approved, labeled and listed by an approved agency whose listing states that the equipment has been tested and found suitable for use in the specified manner. No homemade solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices will be allowed.
(3) All solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices are required to meet emission standards currently required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
(4) All solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices shall be installed, operated and maintained in strict conformance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the regulations promulgated hereunder. In the event of a conflict, the regulations promulgated hereunder and in the heating code shall apply unless the manufacturer’s instructions are stricter, in which case the manufacturer’s instructions shall apply. The owner of the solid fuel fired outdoor heating device shall produce the manufacturer’s instructions for all devices.
(c) Substantive Requirements. All outdoor devices shall be installed, operated and maintained pursuant to the following conditions:
(1) Fuel shall be only natural untreated wood, wood, wood products, corn products or other fuels specifically permitted by the manufacturer.
(2) The following fuels are strictly prohibited:
A. Processed wood products and other non-wood products not permitted by manufacturer.
B. Garbage;
C. Painted or treated wood;
D. Tires;
E. Any other items not specifically allowed by the manufacturer or this provision.
(3) Device location and chimney heights.
A. All outdoor devices shall be located no less than 300 feet from the nearest residential building or structure (other than that serviced by the device).
B. All chimneys serving such outdoor devices must have a stack height at least three feet higher than the peak height of the highest residential structure within 300 feet thereof.
(4) Maintenance of unit and screening of unit and fuel.
A. The exterior of any outdoor heating unit shall be maintained and kept in good working condition in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.
B. The outdoor heating unit and fuel storage shall be screened by approved fencing, landscaping, earth berm or other suitable enclosure. The average height of the enclosure shall be equal to the height of the outdoor heating unit or stored fuel, but shall not be required to exceed six feet in height.
(d) Amortization; Penalty.
(1) From the effective date hereof, any person who constructs, erects, operates, replaces or modifies any solid fuel fired outdoor heating device that does not meet the requirements of this section or Part 13 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wooster, shall be penalized in accordance with Part 13 hereof. If any person shall have constructed or erected any solid fuel fired outdoor heating device prior to the effective date of this section, s/he shall be required to bring it into compliance with this chapter within a period of five years from the effective date hereof; provided, however, that with respect to the stack height thereof, s/he shall be required to bring the stack height into compliance with this chapter within a period of ninety days from the effective date hereof.
(2) Illegally constructed or erected solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices shall be removed at the cost of the owner within thirty days of the first citation.
(Ord. 2007-14. Passed 3-19-07.)
(Ord. 2007-14. Passed 3-19-07.)
This Code shall not be construed as imposing on the City any liability or responsibility for damages resulting from any defective heating or ventilating work, nor shall the City or any official or employee be held as assuming any liability or responsibility by reason of any act or action taken in enforcing the provisions of this Code or in carrying out the duties authorized and required by this Code.
(Ord. 1973-73. Passed 6-15-73.)