Administration and enforcement of this Code shall be the duty and responsibility of such personnel as set forth in Section 1301.02.
(Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
(Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
1321.03 SCOPE.
(a) As used in this chapter, "person" includes an individual, partnership, corporation or other entity engaged in installation, maintenance, alteration or repair of any electrical installation, wiring, device, apparatus or other electrical equipment.
(b) This Code shall apply to electric conductors and equipment installed within or on public and private buildings and other premises, including yards, sales lots, carnival lots, parking lots, industrial sub-stations, trailer parks, boat marinas, places of outdoor assembly and recreation, electric signs and displays, mobile homes and travel trailers, the conductors that connect the installations to a supply of electricity and other outside conductors adjacent to the premises.
(c) This Code shall not apply to the following work:
(1) Installations under the exclusive control of electric utilities for the purpose of communication, metering or for the generation, control, transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy located in buildings used exclusively by utilities for such purposes or located outdoors on property owned or leased by the utility or on public highways, streets, roads, etc., or outdoors by established rights on private property;
(2) Installation of communication equipment under exclusive control of communication utilities, located outdoors or in building spaces used exclusively for such installations;
(3) Installations of railways for generation, transformation, transmission or distribution of power used exclusively for operation of rolling stock or installations used exclusively for signaling and communication purposes;
(4) Installations underground in mines;
(5) Installations in ships, watercraft, railway rolling stock, aircraft or automotive vehicles;
(6) Installations of electrical equipment used for radio and television transmission;
(7) Electrical work involved in the manufacture or testing of electrical equipment or apparatus, but not including any permanent wiring or equipment;
(8) Electrical work associated with the repair of plug-connected electrical appliances or devices or permanently connected electrical appliances or devices which have been electrically and mechanically disconnected and separated from all sources of electrical supply. The opening of switches or the blowing or removal of fuses shall not be considered as electrical or mechanical disconnection or separation;
(9) Replacement of approved fuses which are not oversize for the circuit involved; and
(10) The installation or replacement of approved pin-type lamps, screw base lamps or plug-connected portable appliances which do not overload the circuit involved and are not located in hazardous locations.
(Ord. l 99 l -52. Passed 9- l 6-91.)
This Code shall not be construed to prevent, nor is it intended to prevent, the enforcement of other codes, statutes, ordinances or regulations which prescribe more restrictive limitations or which require higher standards. (Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-65.)
No person shall maintain, occupy or use any building lot or premises or part thereof wherein or whereon there has been an installation, alteration or repair made in violation of the provisions of this Code. (Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-65.)
Registration. No person shall install, maintain, alter or repair for others, or engage in the business of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing, within the jurisdiction of the City, any electrical installation, wiring, device, apparatus or equipment unless such person is registered with the City as an electrical contractor, as may be provided elsewhere by City ordinance.
(Ord. 2005- 35. Passed 12-5-05.)
(Ord. 2005- 35. Passed 12-5-05.)
The requirement of Section 1321.06 shall not be applicable to the following:
(a) All work involved in the repairing and maintenance of elevators, dumb-waiters and escalators,
(b) Work covered in this Code performed by the property owner himself upon his own single-family residence. Such owner/occupant, in applying for a permit, shall sign a statement that all work will be performed by himself. This exemption does not exempt any work from any other requirements of this Code.
(c) Normal operation and maintenance in manufacturing or industrial plants provided that this exception shall not cover new and permanent installations of electrical wiring as a part of the construction of new buildings or reconstruction of existing buildings involving a change in occupancy.
(d) Electrical connections and branch circuits for the installation or replacement of electric hot water heaters, electric baseboard panels, electric furnaces, electric heat pumps, dishwashers, air conditioners, combustion type furnace power supplies, electric automatic washers, electric dryers, or similar appliances in existing one, two, or three family residences when the installation is done under permit by a licensed plumbing contractor or heating and ventilating contractor; or the electrical connection for the replacement of these appliances in all other occupancies when the replacement is being done under permit by a licensed plumbing contractor or heating and ventilating contractor.
(Ord. 1994-42. Passed 11-7-94; ORd. 2005-35. Passed 12-5-05.)
(a) No person shall install, maintain, alter or repair any electrical installation, wiring device, appliance or equipment unless such person shall first obtain a permit from the Division, or unless the work involved is specifically exempted by this Code. However any work hereby exempt from the requirements of a permit shall not be exempt from inspection or any requirements of this Code.
(b) A permit shall not be required for the following work unless done as a part of new construction, additions, alterations or repairs for which a building permit has been issued by the Division.
(1) Five or less single outlets for general lighting only, fire alarm stations, burglar alarm devices or communication devices, to be installed or replaced in any building or structure within a ninety-day period when such outlets and/or fixtures have been added to or replaced in existing approved wiring.
(2) Normal maintenance or repair to existing electrical installation done by a property owner himself upon his own single-family residence.
(3) Normal operation and maintenance of a manufacturing or industrial plant, or other institution maintaining an electrical staff, not including permanent installation of electrical wiring done as a part of the construction of a new building or the reconstruction of an existing building involving a change in occupancy.
(4) Any electrical work for which a permit has been issued by the State of Ohio or other political subdivision having jurisdiction.
(c) A permit shall not be required for electrical connections and branch circuits for the installation or replacement of electric hot water heaters, electric baseboard panels, electric furnaces, electric heat pumps, dishwashers, air conditioners, combustion type furnace power supplies, electric automatic washers, electric dryers, or similar appliances in existing one, two, or three family residences when the installation is done under permit by a licensed plumbing contractor or heating and ventilating contractor; or the electrical connection for the replacement of these appliances in all other occupancies when the replacement is being done under permit by a licensed plumbing contractor or heating and ventilating contractor.
(d) A permit shall not be required for the installation of a burglar alarm, burglar alarm system, fire alarm, fire alarm system, telephone or telephone communication system installed in a one, two or three family residential building.
(e) In case of emergency the Director may grant a temporary waiver of the above requirements to permit the immediate commencement of electrical work to alleviate a hazardous condition. (Ord. 1994-42. Passed 11-7-94.)