A permit shall be considered expired by reason of its non-use if there is failure to commence work under an approved permit within one year of its issuance. A new permit shall be required before the work approved by the lapsed permit may be started.
(Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
(a) No operations requiring a permit shall be commenced until the permit card therefor is posted in a conspicuous place, near the front of the premises and in such a position as to permit the inspectors of the Division to make the required entries thereon regarding inspection of the work. The card shall be preserved and remain posted until the completion of the work for which it was issued.
(b) No person shall remove or cover such permit card until the work for which the card was issued has been approved by the Director. (Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
Nothing in this Code shall prohibit the filing of amendments to an application or to a plan or other record accompanying same at any time before the completion of the work for which the permit was issued. Such amendments shall be filed with and be deemed a part of the original application if approved before the certificate of approval has been issued; otherwise, a new application shall be made and a permit secured. (Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
Nothing in this Code shall require changes in plans for installation, alteration or repair for which a lawful permit has been heretofore issued or which has been otherwise lawfully authorized, and the work of which shall have been actually begun within thirty days after this Code becomes effective. Such installation, alteration or repair shall be completed, as authorized, within a reasonable period of time to be designated by the Director, or the prior permit therefor shall be deemed void. (Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
All work performed under a permit issued by the Division shall conform to the approved application and plans and approved amendments thereto. (Ord. 1968-55, Passed 11-18-68.)
1321.18 FEES.
The fee for any permit issued under this chapter shall be determined by the Division of Building Standards in accordance with the Schedule of Fees set forth in Chapter 1349.
(Ord. 1994-26. Passed 6-20-94.)
(a) Authority of Division. All electrical wiring and equipment installed, altered, replaced or repaired in or about any building, structure or premises within the City shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Division.
(b) Wiring to be Left Open Until Inspection. No electrical wiring or parts thereof shall be covered or concealed until the Division has approved the installation and given permission to cover or conceal the same. It shall be the duty of the person obtaining a permit to give twenty-four hours notice to the Division when work is ready for inspection. Work shall be inspected as soon as possible after receipt of such notice. Conformance of work to the provisions of this Code shall be indicated by the Division by posting an official unit tag or seal of conformance.
(c) Final Inspection; Certificate of Approval. All work covered by this Code shall be submitted for final inspection and approval before being placed in service. If the electrical wiring and equipment are found to be complete and in conformity with all provisions of this Code, a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Division.
(d) Tests for Conformity. Tests necessary to verify that an installation is in conformity with the requirements of this Code shall be performed in the presence of an authorized inspector of the Division and any equipment, material, power and labor necessary for such tests shall be furnished by the holder of the permit.
(e) Incompleteness or Nonconformity; Corrections; Stop-Work Order. When inspection shows work submitted for inspection to be incomplete or not in conformity with requirements of this Code, the permit holder shall make the necessary corrections or additions within seventy-two hours and resubmit the work for inspection. Failure to correct rejected work shall be cause for issuance of a stop-work order on the entire project, or for suspension or revocation of the permit.
(f) Reinspections. The Division may reinspect the electrical wiring and equipment in all commercial buildings annually and in all other buildings and structures at least once every three years, excepting one, two and three-family dwellings, which may be reinspected whenever vacated and before being reoccupied by new owners or tenants.
(g) Time Limit for Repairs or Modifications. When a wiring device or apparatus is found upon reinspection to be defective or in any unsafe or nonconforming condition, the necessary repairs or modifications shall be made by the person owning, using or operating the same within ten days. Reasonable extensions of time may be allowed by the Division when repairs or modifications, as required, are begun within the ten-day period, but the work must be carried to completion without undue delay.
(Ord. 1968-55. Passed 11-18-68.)
There is hereby adopted as though fully rewritten herein a certain code known as the “National Electrical Code” current edition adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Boston, Massachusetts, also known as NFPA No. 70. From the date on which this section takes effect, the provisions thereof shall regulate and control all work relating to the installation, alteration or repair of electrical conductors, wiring, devices and equipment within the Municipality.
A copy of such Code shall be on file with and available for public inspection in the office of the Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 2005-35. Passed 12-5-05.)