Applications within the Glendale-Milford Road Corridor Overlay District for uses other than principally permitted uses shall obtain conditional use approval from the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall evaluate the proposed uses based on the standards for conditional uses within § 1254.08, Conditional Use Permit. Planning Commission shall refer any development plan within the GMC Overlay District to Council with a recommendation for approval, approval with modifications or conditions, or disapproval. A public hearing shall be scheduled by Council to hear the request and render a decision.
   (a)   Application. These guidelines and regulations shall apply to all properties located within the Glendale-Milford Road Corridor Overlay District as identified on the Official Zoning Map of Woodlawn. The guidelines and regulations shall be applied as follows:
      (1)   Any new development or redevelopment of property which occurs within this overlay district that is not part of a Planned Unit Development (Chapter 1288) shall conform to all of the standards in § 1280.10, Design Standards, as requirements, where applicable and follow the processes and procedures of § 1254.12, Site Plan Review.
      (2)   Any new development or redevelopment which occurs within this overlay district that is part of a Planned Unit Development (Chapter 1288) shall follow all of the standards in § 1280.10, Design Standards, as guidelines.
   Where the standards and requirements identified in this chapter fall silent on specific development standards or requirements, the underlying zoning district shall provide such standard(s) or requirement(s).
   In instances of conflict between the regulations in this chapter and another chapter in this Zoning Code, the uses, regulations and standards of this chapter shall prevail.
   (b)   Development review. The review of any development or redevelopment of properties within the Glendale-Milford Road Corridor Overlay District shall occur as follows:
      (1)   Any new development, reuse or substantial redevelopment which occurs within this overlay district that is not part of a Planned Unit Development (Chapter 1288) shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission to assure that all design standards of § 1282.05, where applicable, are met. For the purposes of this chapter, SUBSTANTIAL REDEVELOPMENT shall mean:
If the Square Foot of Building is:
A Substantial Expansion is:
0 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000
10,001 - 50,000
50,001 and larger
      (2)   Any new development or redevelopment which occurs within this overlay district that is part of a Planned Unit Development shall be reviewed for general compliance of all design standards of § 1282.05, where applicable, during the approval process specified by Chapter 1288, Planned Unit Development. As part of a Planned Unit Development, the regulations and standards in this chapter, with the exception of permitted uses, shall serve as guidelines and not requirements.
      (3)   Any redevelopment that does not fall under § 1280.09(b)(1) or (b)(2) above shall be administratively reviewed and approved by the Zoning Officer to assure that all of the requirements of this chapter, where applicable, are met. The Zoning Officer may request the assistance of the Planning Commission, if necessary, for additional review and input.
(Ord. 17-2013, passed 9-24-2013)