The following design standards shall be clearly identified on drawings, renderings, or a combination of both, submitted to the Municipality for review and approval as per §§ 1282.02 and 1282.03. Plans shall be drawn at a scale to adequately depict the proposed development or redevelopment project. Site plans and elevations shall be included and noted, as necessary, to accurately depict the proposed development or redevelopment project.
   (a)   Site development standards. 
      (1)   Lot coverage. Development on parcels shall be limited to 60% coverage by impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces shall include sidewalks, off-street parking spaces, driveways, building footprints and other hardscape that does not permit the absorption of storm water.
      (2)   Minimum lot size and setbacks.
         A.   The minimum lot size for parcels in this district shall be 22,000 square feet.
         B.   Setbacks for buildings of properties fronting on Springfield Pike shall be permitted to be set back 0 feet from the public right-of-way.
         C.   Side yard setbacks may be 0 feet when the front of the building is 0 feet from the sidewalk or public right-of-way. Otherwise, the side yard setback shall be a minimum of ten feet.
         D.   Rear yard setbacks shall be 20 feet.
      (3)   Utilities. All on site utilities shall be located underground.
      (4)   Driveways. A maximum of one driveway opening shall be permitted for each property on each abutting street for every 250 linear feet of frontage. For corner lots, the locations of the driveways shall be setback a minimum of 50 feet from the face of curb of the intersecting street or as otherwise approved by the Municipal Engineer. If driveway is not shared between parcels the minimum setback from a property line shall be 20 feet.
      (5)   Cross easements. As properties develop or redevelop, efforts shall be made to provide for cross easement access to adjoining properties and the consolidation of curb cuts upon development or redevelopment to the fullest extent possible.
       (6)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall comply with Chapter 1294, Off-Street Parking and Loading and the following regulations:
         A.   Off-street parking shall be located to the rear or side of the property to the fullest extent possible.
         B.   Parking located between the building façade and the right-of-way shall be separated from the sidewalk by a landscaped buffer strip (e.g. row of hedges, knee wall, grass strip with plantings, etc.).
         C.   As properties develop or redevelop that are located on the western side of Springfield Pike between Riddle Road and Grove Road, efforts shall be made to provide for the sharing of off-street parking between parcels to the fullest extent possible.
      (7)   Pedestrian access. Developed and redeveloped parcels shall include the dedication of an easement to allow for sidewalk shift away from the street and closer to the principal structure on the lot.
      (8)   Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage and service structures (dumpsters, mechanical equipment, etc.) shall be regulated as established in Chapter 1296, Provisions Relating to All Districts.
      (9)   Signage. Commercial signage shall be limited to advertising on-premise businesses and shall comply with Chapter 1292, Signage and Outdoor Advertising and the following regulations:
         A.   Ground-mounted or monument signage shall incorporate design elements and/or materials of the principal building or structure.
         B.   Where multiple adjacent parcels are developed under one cohesive development, one larger ground-mounted sign may be permitted for the entire development. Such sign shall replace the individual ground mounted signs for each individual parcel.
         C.   At a minimum, all ground-mounted or monument signage shall be landscaped at the base of the sign in an area equal to twice the total square footage of all faces of the sign.
      (10)   Landscaping and screening. Landscaping and screening shall comply with Chapter 1295, Screening and Landscaping, and the following regulations:
         A.   All pervious areas of the site shall be adequately landscaped with a mix of trees, shrubs, plants and/or grass and maintained in good condition free of weeds and debris. Mulch beds without plant material shall not be permitted.
         B.   Landscaping located continuously around the perimeter of off-street parking areas shall be installed, with the exception of access drives and areas where cross easements or cross access between properties occurs. Such landscaped area shall be a minimum of four feet in width.
   (b)   Building design standards.
      (1)   Colors. Façade colors shall not include metallic, black or fluorescent colors. Colors shall be limited to muted natural colors and earth tones. Building trim may include brighter colors than the façade colors when complementing the primary building color.
      (2)   Physical separations, Building or structures shall be physically separated from any off- street parking area by planted areas (grass or other landscaping) and a full depth, vertical barrier curb per Municipal Engineering standards and Chapters 1294, Off-Street Parking and 1295, Screening and Landscaping. Sidewalks shall be installed, where necessary, to provide safe pedestrian access to and from the building from the sidewalk and off-street parking areas.
      (3)   Building heights.
         A.   Principal buildings shall not exceed a height of 45 feet as measured from the centerline of Springfield Pike.
         B.   Accessory buildings shall not exceed a height of 15 feet as measured from the building grade of the accessory building or structure.
      (4)   Facades.
         A.   No blank, uninterrupted façades shall be permitted where visible from a right-of-way. The use of windows, doors and/or other architectural features shall be required at regular intervals to break up a blank wall. The use of false windows as an architectural feature may be permitted upon review by the Planning Commission. Planting areas and landscaped beds may be permitted in place of architectural features (e.g. 20 lineal feet of landscaping for every 100 feet of building length) if the height of the landscape material is at least half the height of the building or structure upon review and approval of the Planning Commission.
         B.   Buildings with facades visible from a right-of-way and greater than 100 feet in length shall incorporate recesses or projections of a minimum of two feet in depth.
         C.   Building facades shall include a repeating pattern including no less than three of the following elements: color change, texture change, material change or the inclusion of architectural features no less than 36 inches in width such as offsets, bays, marquees, etc. At least one of these elements shall repeat horizontally.
         D.   All sides of a building or structure that are visible from any right-of-way or residentially zoned property shall be finished with the same materials utilized on the front façade to provide a finished faced towards all locations visible to the public.
         E.   The predominant exterior building material (greater than 60 percent) shall be brick, natural stone, tinted and textured concrete masonry units or similar material. Vinyl, wood or metal cladding is not permitted with the exception of minor trim.
         F.   Smooth face concrete block may only be used for buildings greater than 20,000 square feet in floor area for no more than 20 percent of the cladding and then, only in areas not visible to the public. Tilt up concrete panels, mirrored glass or prefabricated steel panels shall not be permitted as exterior materials.
      (5)   Rooflines. Rooflines shall have a change in height for at least every 50 lineal feet in building length unless it is a single tenant building that exceeds a length of 200 feet. If a single tenant building exceeds 200 feet the roofline shall change in height for at least every 75 feet for facades visible from right-of- ways. Modifications in the roofline do not need to be uniformly spaced but shall be proportional to the massing of the building.
      (6)   Building orientation. The primary building entrance shall be oriented towards Springfield Pike.
      (7)   Accessory structures. Accessory structures shall be constructed of the same materials and colors as the principal building.
(Ord. 17-2013, passed 9-24-2013)