(A) All sidewalks in front of lots on Main Street, between First and Fifth Streets, shall be 16 feet in width. All sidewalks one block to the east and one block to the west of Main Street on Second, Third and Fourth Streets shall be eight feet in width and shall be placed four feet from the inside of the sidewalk to the lot line. All other sidewalks, except those herein before mentioned, shall be not less than four feet in width.
(B) All sidewalks in front of lots upon Sixth Street, or any 40-foot street upon which no sidewalks have been constructed, shall be four feet in width and the inner line thereof shall be placed one foot from the lot line. Sidewalks that have already been constructed upon either side of Sixth Street, or any other 40-foot streets, other sidewalks shall be constructed on either side of said street so as to conform to the sidewalks already constructed.
(Prior Code, § 5.01.02) (Ord. 245, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -)