(a) The removal of topsoil or loam for commercial purposes or otherwise from any lands within the City, except so far as necessary for the establishment and construction of streets and roads and for the erection, construction or alteration of buildings, or for the installation of sidewalks or driveways, shall be prohibited unless the owner of property from which topsoil or loam is to be removed shall first obtain a written permit from the Building Inspector of the City authorizing such removal, which permit shall be issued only in conformity with this chapter and upon the payment of a fee of two dollars ($2.00).
(b) No such permit shall be issued for the removal of topsoil within 100 feet of any private or public street or highway in the City, or within fifty feet of any existing dwelling, except in connection with necessary work upon the premises.
(Ord. 1957-34. Passed 10-24-57.)
No permit shall be issued for the removal of topsoil unless the Building Inspector is satisfied that adequate drainage shall continue to exist on the land from which topsoil is removed so that stagnant water or other conditions dangerous to health and safety will not be created.
(Ord. 1957-34. Passed 10-24-57.)