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Will County Overview
Will County, IL Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Special conditions and tests. When special conditions exist or arise during construction which necessitate additional precautions, the Building Official may require work and testing in excess of these requirements at the expense of the owner.
   (B)   Site preparation. No excavation, stripping of organic material or removal of vegetable matter shall be performed prior to building permit issuance unless a site development permit has been issued by Will County Development Review Division. Soil erosion control measures shall be installed and inspected prior to permit issuance. This inspection is carried out by the engineering department.
   Exception: Tree removal not associated with any building permit activity.
   (C)   Effective erosion control practices shall be followed during all earth moving, storage and placement operations so as to prevent sediments from leaving the site and as required by the Development Review Division. In addition, the construction process shall be organized and conducted so as to prevent equipment from dragging or carrying mud or dirt onto public streets. Where this may accidentally occur, the builder or his responsible agent shall immediately clean the road surface. Silt fence, when required, shall be maintained until final site work is complete and vegetation is established. If a temporary certificate of occupancy has been granted without established vegetation the erosion control shall remain until such time as permanent vegetation has been established.
   (D)   At least one portable bathroom shall be placed on the job site to insure public safety, health and welfare per the adopted Illinois State Plumbing Code when work begins. If a builder has multiple job sites within a subdivision, portable bathroom spacing of one unit per 500 lineal feet of roadway is permitted. Builders sharing portable bathroom facilities shall provide the county with a "letter of agreement to share such" for approval by Will County.
   (E)   Dumpsters shall be placed on the job site prior to framing of structure. These dumpsters shall be emptied when full.
   (F)   Address: Each structure to which a street number has been assigned shall have the permanent numbers displayed directly on the structure in a position easily observed from the public right-of-way. The minimum size of the numerals shall be 6" by 1/2". Block numerals only, not script. If the address is not visible from the public right-of-way they shall be displayed at the street in a permanent manner as well as on the building.
   (G)   In no case shall drywall or gypsum board be allowed to be installed beneath exterior finished material unless specifically designed by the manufacturer for that purpose.
   Exception: Where a fire rated wall or barrier is required or manufactures specifications specifically require the product.
   (H)   Spark arrestor shall be installed for all solid fuel burning fireplaces or stoves and constructed in accordance with R1003.9.2 and IBC 2113.9.2.
   (I)   Where fabric brick flashings are installed, the product shall be a minimum of 20 mil thick.
   (J)   Shower enclosures shall be covered with approved cement board or equal when installing new tile or wall panels.
   (K)   Modular offices shall have a minimum 12"x42" trench foundation below grade.
   Exception 1: Construction Trailers
   Exception 2: Temporary Buildings.
   (L)   Class 1 vapor retarders and polyethylene of any kind shall not be allowed in above grade wall assemblies where an interior finish material will be installed.
   Exception: Pole Barn Construction with metal interior finishes.
   (M)   Mechanical insulation must be installed per manufacturer's installation instructions. A weather resistive barrier shall not be required for structures 200 square feet or less.
   (N)   In order to protect building materials a pan shall be installed below 2nd level washing machines, furnaces, water heaters or similar equipment per M1411.3.1. The equipment shall be lifted out of the pan to allow more space for the water.
   (O)   Ramps for single family homes, duplex's and townhouses shall have a 6" curb to keep a wheelchair from falling off.
   Exception: Where a guardrail or wall is on each side.
   (P)   Openable windows shall have tightly fitting screens of at least 16 mesh per inch.
   (Q)   Townhouses and one and two family dwellings, the attached garages of townhouses and one and two family dwellings and any bonus rooms or attic areas that will have interior finishes installed in unconditioned spaces must have insulated walls of at least R-13, insulated ceilings of at least R-30 and floor cavities filled with insulation but shall not require more than R-30 for floors.
   Exception: The reguired ceiling and floor insulation shall not be required to be installed if there is sufficient access to add insulation at a later date.
   (R)   Exterior doors for single family residences, duplex's and townhouses other than the required egress door shall be allowed 3 risers (2 steps) without a landing.
   (S)   Attic access shall be allowed in closets provided all other attic access requirements are met.
   (T)   Installation of a material, product, or method not required by building code shall meet pertinent code sections.
   Exception: Guardrails where the floor height is less than 12" from grade.
   (U)   It is the express intent of this code that flood-resistant construction of the 2018 IRC section R322 not be adopted. Follow the engineering department's requirements for flood-resistant construction.
   (V)   It is the express intent of this code that sprinkler requirements of 2018 IRC section R313 not be adopted and any structure allowed to be built under the 2018 IRC shall not be required to have sprinklers. Please check with state agencies and local fire districts.
   (W)   It is the express intent of this ordinance to remove all accessibility requirements from the 2018 International Codes and use the 2018 Illinois Accessibility Code and any federal standards.
   (X)   It is the express intent of this ordinance to remove all references in the 2018 International Codes to the 2018 International Electrical Code and use the 2017 National Electric Code (NEC).
   (Y)   It is the express intent of this ordinance to remove all references in the 2018 International Codes to the International Plumbing Code and International Private Sewage Disposal Code and use the 2014 Illinois State Plumbing Code and Will County Health Department requirements.
   (Z)   It is the express intent of this ordinance to remove all references in the 2018 International Codes to the International Zoning Code and use the Will County Zoning Ordinance.
   (AA)   When determining the required number of bathrooms the Illinois State Plumbing Code shall be used and not the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
   (BB)   Live/work dwellings. The work area shall be allowed to be up to 15% of the dwelling size with a maximum of 450 square feet when complying with the International Residential Code. If either of these numbers is exceeded Section 419 of the 2018 International Building Code shall be used for compliance.
(Ord. 14-103, passed 5-15-2014; Am. Ord. 18-115, passed 5-17-2018; Am. Ord. 18-116, passed 5-17-2018; Am. Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-2021) Penalty, see § 150.999
   (A)   Joist hangers shall be installed for floor joists with a span greater than 4' or when it carries any other loads.
   (B)   Joist hangers shall be installed at ceiling joists with a span greater than 8' or when it resists the outward thrust of the rafters.
   (C)   Joist hangers shall be installed for roof rafters with a span greater than 8' or if it carries other roof rafters.
   (D)   Joist hangers or 90 degree clips shall be installed for rafters when framed into the side of a ridge beam where ceiling joists are not installed.
   (E)   When a knee-wall is supporting two stories and a roof, the knee-wall shall be constructed with minimum 2x6 studs with structural sheathing not less than 7/16" thick.
   (F)   Beams shall not rely solely on bolts attaching beam members to the side of posts.
   Exception 1: Minor loads of less than 200 pounds.
   Exception 2: A treated 2 x 4 may be nailed to the post directly below the beam members and extend to the concrete.
   Exception 3: A mechanical support bracket designed to carry the load may be installed directly to the post below each beam member.
   Exception 4: Existing portions of existing decks where work is not performed.
   (G)   The minimum bottom chord dead load of trusses shall be 4 p.s.f. but not less than the actual dead loads.
   (H)   Two feet of the 3' landing required at the bottom stairs shall be prior to a door.
   Exception: Existing conditions will be taken on a case by case basis depending on configuration but maximum distance shall be provided.
   (I)   Structures are required to have a complete load path from the roof to the sill plate attached to the foundation. Trusses are required to have tie downs at each truss to the above grade wall assembly. Rafters are required to have tie downs 4 feet on center to the above grade wall assembly. The minimum tie-down for walls shall be 18 gauge straps installed on both sides of corners and every 25' for single story structures. For 2-story structures or single story structures with knee walls the minimum tie-down shall be 18 gauge wall straps installed on both sides of corners and every 20'. These straps attach from 2nd floor stud to first floor stud and first floor stud to basement knee walls or sill plate. Plywood can also achieve the tie down if it extends from sill plate to 1st floor studs and 1st floor studs to 2nd floor studs or creates a joint at the rim joist or 1/2 way on a 2 x 4 plate.
   (J)   Double top plates in above grade wall construction shall overlap 4'.
   (K)   Rafter ties installed 4' on shall be allowed to resist the outward thrust of the rafters provided this span table is used. This span table is not designed for storage or for the attachment of any interior finishes.
2 x 4
12' max span
2 x 6
18' max span
2 x 8
24' max span
2 x 10
27' max span
2 x 12
30' max span
   (L)   Exterior posts shall have a post/pier bracket protecting them from moisture.
   (M)   Exterior posts shall have a connection from beam to supporting post. Toe nails shall not provide the only connection.
   (N)   Double floor joists shall be required at the ends of decks parallel with the floor joists for guardrail attachment. This double floor joist shall be allowed to be separated by the post for the guardrail.
   Exception: Posts that extend from concrete to top of guardrail.
   (O)   When deck guardrails are installed to the floor framing of the deck the minimum floor joist size shall be 2 x 8.
   (P)   A double window sill framing member shall be installed when a framed opening is more than 7' for 2 x 4 wall construction and 9' for 2 x 6 wall construction.
   (Q)   Bridging shall be required at mid-span of floor joists with a span greater than 10'. X bracing or solid blocking of any kind is acceptable.
   (R)   Stiff backs, a 2 x 4 framing member nailed perpendicular to ceiling joists, shall be required at mid-span for ceiling joists with a span greater than 10'.
   (S)   Roof sheathing must be 5/8" thick plywood or OSB if supporting framing member is spaced at 24" on center, 1/2" thick plywood or OSB if supporting framing member is spaced at 19.2" on center or 7/16" thick plywood or OSB if supporting framing member is spaced at 16" on center. Roof sheathing shall be repaired or replaced if damaged when shingles are removed during reroofing operations. If more than 50% of an existing roof plane requires replacement that roof plane must meet these roof sheathing requirements.
      Exception 1: Lumber sheathing (planks) in compliance with R803.1 and Table R803.1 of the 2018 International Residential Code.
      Exception 2: Alternative methods and materials in the 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
   (T)   SR-102 (APA simplified wall bracing method using wood structural panel continuous sheathing) shall be allowed to be used for wall bracing requirements.
   (U)   Ladder framed gable end roof overhangs shall be limited to a total of 12". Whenever this is exceeded a design must be submitted.
   (V)   Handrails for single family homes, duplex's and townhouses installed separately from a guardrail may be installed anywhere between 30" to 38" above the outer most portion of the stair tread. If the handrail also acts as the guardrail it must meet the 34" minimum height requirement for guardrails
   (W)   A 2 x framing member attached to the top of the ceiling joists shall be an approved method to prevent rotation of open ended ceiling joists.
   (X)   Seven-sixteenth inch wood structural panels (plywood or OSB) shall be used to brace exterior wood frame walls. Drywall shall not be an approved method of wall bracing.
      Exception: Existing structures undergoing remodeling activities will be allowed to use let in bracing for wall bracing on exterior walls.
   (Y)   Where plywood is installed on floor joists it shall not be less than 3/4" tongue and groove floor sheathing.
      Exception: Where matching the existing floor sheathing is desired.
   (Z)   Above grade wood frame wall construction carrying roof and ceiling loads only shall be allowed to have 19' stud lengths provided they are construction grade 2 x 6 framing members (#2 or better) spaced at 16" on center, have 2 x 6 solid blocking at all plywood joints and have 7/16" continuous structural sheathing.
   (AA)   Above grade wood frame wall construction carrying one floor, roof and ceiling loads only shall be allowed to have 18' stud lengths provided they are construction grade 2 x 6 framing members (#2 or better) spaced at 16" on center, have 2 x 6 solid blocking at all plywood joints and have 7/16" continuous structural sheathing.
   (BB)   Above grade wood frame wall construction carrying one floor, roof and ceiling loads only shall be allowed to have 12' stud lengths provided they are construction grade 2 x 4 framing members (#2 or better) spaced at 16" on center, have 2 x 4 solid blocking at all plywood joints and have 7/16" continuous structural sheathing.
(Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-2021)
   (A)   Gutters and down spouts must be provided on all buildings.
   Exception #1: Existing structures that have never had gutters and does not have any foundation damage or grading issues (grade must pitch away the home).
   Exception #2: Structures less than 300 square feet.
   Exception #3: Pole barns on properties greater than 1 acre and 20' or more from the lot line.
   Exception #4: Greenhouses
   Exception #5: A surface drainage system installed around the entire structure.
   (B)   Drip edge must be installed at all roof edges of asphalt shingle roofs per R905.2.8.5 of the 2018 IRC and 1507.2.8.3 of the 2018 IBC which states to install drip edge below underlayment at the eaves (gutter line) and install drip edge above underlayment at rakes (gable ends).
   Exception 1: When using ice and water shield it can be run behind the gutter if another layer of underlayment (roofing felt) is installed over the drip edge (gutter apron).
   Exception 2: Stripping in another piece of ice and water shield can also be used to achieve compliance and allow the ice and water shield to run behind the gutter. This can be achieved by attaching another piece of ice and water shield to the main layer that runs behind the gutter. This piece would then run over the top of the drip edge. This method is not allowed when using granular top coated ice and water shield products as it does not adhere well.
   (C)   Two layers of felt cemented together shall not be allowed on roofs in place of ice and water shield.
   (D)   Gable end flashing (ODE) shall not be re-used during tear off and re-roof operations.
   (E)   A repair to roofs with two existing layers shall not be allowed.
   (F)   Kickout flashing shall be required to be installed during re-siding operations. During re-roofing operations the kickout flashing may be waived if the existing siding is installed close to the roof and the existing baby tins are to remain.
   (G)   Provide accessory structure roof ventilation per roofing manufacturer's specifications.
   Exception 1: Structures less than 300 square feet.
   Exception 2: Open air structures where a ceiling will not be installed.
(Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-2021)
   (A)   All conditioned spaces shall have all interior wall and ceiling surfaces covered with a minimum of one-half inch gypsum wallboard or approved equal. One inch nominal solid paneling shall not be required to have a drywall backing.
   Exception 1: Three-season rooms that do not contain conditioned space
   Exception 2: Screened porches
   Exception 3: Unfinished crawl spaces unless required by R302.13
   Exception 4: Unfinished basements and unfinished areas of basements except as required by R302.13 or another area of this ordinance.
   Exception 5: Ceilings of finished basements unless required by R302.13
   Exception 6: Commercial & Industrial structures complying with 2018 IBC
   Exception 7: Detached accessory structures as long as they are covered with plywood and sealed per energy code reguirements.
   Exception 8: Greenhouses
   (B)   In all commercial, industrial multi-tenant buildings, and residential multi-tenant buildings, a minimum one hour fire wall shall be provided between tenant spaces.
   (C)   Fire blocking compounds shall have a flame spread rating no greater than 50 and comply with ASTM E-84. Approved fireplace caulk, noncombustible mineral wool or rock wool is acceptable but in no case shall fiberglass or cellulose insulation or drywall compound be used as a fire or draft stop.
   (D)   A mansard roof must be fire blocked at the corners to prevent fire from engulfing the perimeter of the building. Access panels shall be provided for inspection.
   (E)   All manufactured fireplace shaft-walls and ceilings shall be covered with 5/8" fire rated drywall taped with at least one coat of joint compound facing the fireplace. A false ceiling can be installed at 8' for the installation of the fire rated drywall. The fire rated drywall at the ceiling shall leave a 2" clearance to the chimney with a fire caulked metal collar. Manufactured fire boxes shall be. The chimney shaft wall of a manufactured (pre-fab) fireplace shall be separated from any attic areas with not less than 7/16" structural sheathing.
   (F)   An attached garage shall be completely separated from the residence and the residence attic areas by a minimum 5/8" fire rated drywall applied to the garage side with joints properly taped and sealed with at least one coat of joint compound, or equivalent. Structural members shall not protrude thru this fire protection. A 2 x member shall be considered equivalent to the 5/8" fire rated drywall if fire caulked above and below for the purpose of this section. The drywall shall be installed on the wall and the ceiling of the attached garage or on the wall only from concrete to roof sheathing. Detached garages less than 3' from the single family residence, duplex or townhouse shall have 5/8" fire code drywall on the garage side of the wall and on the ceiling. Walls more than 3' and perpendicular walls need not have any protection. Eave protection shall not be required if the distance from eave to eave is 5'.
   (G)   Accessory structures greater than 10' from homes and 5' from lot lines can use an ignition barrier for spray foam insulation.
   (H)   Stair treads and risers shall have 1/2" drywall finish on the underside when accessing a 2nd floor or a basement less than 5' below grade.
   (I)   Fire walls for three season rooms within 5' of an assumed lot line between townhouses and duplex's shall only be required for the first 4' projection from the residence as long as built of non-combustible material or 1/2" drywall finishes are installed at all portions of the room.
   (J)   Spray foam insulation and rigid foam insulation shall be allowed to be left exposed at rim joists of unfinished crawl spaces and basements and above attic access panels without drywall covering or ignition barriers.
(Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-2021)
   (A)   Cold weather concrete practice: The I.C.C. Council and the American Concrete Institute ACI-318 have established thresholds for placement of concrete when cold weather conditions exist. The following information is from various excerpts of the applicable code sections as they apply to the placement of concrete in cold weather conditions.
      (1)   Footings.
         (a)   Footings can be poured when the temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or above, however the following precautions must be adhered to: When temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, ACI-318 cold weather requirements shall be followed.
         (b)   Concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of three consecutive days after placement of concrete.
         (c)   Insulated blankets must protect the concrete and forms left in place during the three day period.
         (d)   The excavation shall not be left open for more than 24 hours. Protection must be provided to keep soil from freezing with insulated blankets.
      (2)   Foundation walls.
         (a)   Foundation walls may be poured when the temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above. When temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, ACI-318 cold weather requirements shall be followed.
         (b)   Concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of seven consecutive days.
         (c)   Insulated blankets shall completely cover and be securely fastened to both sides and the forms must be left in place for a period of no less than three days. ACI-318
      (3)   Flatwork.
         (a)   After the first frost, it is the discretion of the Building Official if flat work can continue. Flat work is allowed if the temperature of the concrete is maintained at 50 degrees for seven consecutive days after concrete placement.
         (b)   The use of salamanders, or other equipment that exhaust flue gases into the area above
concrete floors must be avoided, because of the danger of carbonation to the fresh concrete.
         (c)   The I.C.C. Code Council and American Concrete Institute ACI-318 provides for alternates for the above. High early strength may be used to substitute the following guidelines. An increase in the amount of cement to a minimum of a six-bag mix and maintaining the concrete at 50 degrees for three consecutive days provides an option for the builders. Additionally, admixtures for high early strength may be added in accordance with the manufactures requirements.
         (d)   The use of visqueen and straw are not an acceptable means of protection, insulated blankets only.
         (e)   Please contact the Building Department prior to scheduling concrete.
   (B)   Drain tile shall be installed around the outside of the foundation adjacent to the footings where encompassing any below grade space. Drain tile shall be connected to a sump pump, which shall discharge into an approved drainage facility or to a point a minimum of ten feet away from the structure and must not cause a nuisance. Drain tile shall be installed between porch areas and basements/crawl spaces, between garages and basements/crawl spaces and between basements and crawl spaces. As a general rule where the area needs dampproofing it needs drain tile run to the sump pump. With the prior approval of the Building Official, drain tile may be "day-lighted" if existing contours allow.
   (C)   In no case shall footing drains and/or sump pumps be connected to any sanitary sewer system, or septic system.
   (D)   Rebar shall be provided to connect existing concrete and new concrete together. Where the bottom of the footing for the new structure does not extend to the bottom of the footing for the existing structure a minimum of 6 - #4 rebars shall be installed. Two of which are required in the bottom half of the footing depth (if a footing is proposed as part of the design).
   (E)   Bottom of footings/foundations for all structures shall be not less than three feet, six inches below finished grade. Minimum size of footings shall be 10" x 20" with standard "keyway", or as approved by the building official.
   Exception 1: Where placed on verified solid bed rock
   Exception 2: Accessory structures 1,000 square feet or less.
   (F)   Postholes for decks shall be a minimum of ten inches in diameter and shall extend a minimum of three feet, six inches below finished grade. Postholes shall be sized to carry the loads applied.
   Exception #1: Decks can be installed on an existing slab as long as the point loads are less than 750 pounds and the slab is in good condition.
   Exception #2: Postholes supporting smaller loads may be allowed to be 8" in diameter around pools and for stair support (entire post must rest on concrete).
   (G)   Foundation shall be backfilled with clean fill. Do not use debris for backfilling.
   (H)   All column footings supporting beams must bear centrally on a minimum 36" x 36" square x 12" deep concrete column footing or a continuous strip footing with at least 2 - #4 rebars 12" thick x 24" wide. Rivet, weld or bolt top of steel column to steel girders (or lag screw to wood girders) and anchor bottom by bolts or embed in concrete (on interior of structures). Column footings shall be protected from frost where exposed to the exterior environment.
   Exception 1: Columns supported by exterior foundation walls that have horizontal rebar in order to spread out the load.
   Exception 2: Smaller column footings may be allowed for smaller loads not associated with the main support beams of the home and for structures other than single family residences, duplex's and townhouses.
   (I)   All structures shall be required to provide a minimum of four inch thick concrete floor slab. All slabs shall have a minimum of four-inch compacted stone base.
   Exception 1: Accessory structures less than 200 sq. ft.
   Exception 2: Pole barn construction on one acre parcels or larger provided a 4" stone floor is installed.
   Exception 3: Decks
   Exception 4: Three season rooms that can show at least 12" of air flow below the structure provided a 6 mil vapor barrier is installed and 4" of pea gravel.
   Exception 5: Buildings used for agricultural needs.
   Exception 6: Greenhouses.
   Exception 7: Crawl spaces with a minimum 2" slush coat of concrete and 4" of stone.
   (J)   Concrete landings for single family homes, townhouses and duplex's and stairs adjacent to doors of structures shall have wing walls with at least #4 rebar within 3" to 6" from each end and every 2' on center.
   Exception: Concrete landings that have foundation walls on all sides surrounding the landing.
   (K)   All new detached structures 201 square feet to 1,000 square feet that do not extend down to the frost line shall have an 18" deep (12" below finished grade and 6" above) by 12" wide thickened edge. Porches and any other areas shall be included in the square footage.
   Exception: Additions to existing accessory structures shall be taken on a case by case basis once existing conditions are determined.
   (L)   The minimum trench foundation wall thickness shall be 12" in width and extend 42" below grade. Trench foundations shall be allowed for slab on grade construction only.
   (M)   Wood foundations below grade are prohibited.
   Exception: Pole Barn Construction.
   (N)   The minimum concrete or masonry foundation wall must have an eight inch nominal thickness, minimum foundation wall thickness, 12 inches for trench foundation.
   (O)   When concrete cannot be placed on undisturbed virgin ground concrete shall be placed only on clean compacted fill (compacted to 95% Proctor density) stone fill or virgin clay free from any vegetation, debris, or organic soils.
   Exception: The portion of an addition adjacent to an existing foundation with rebar doweled into existing foundation (see section (D) of this section)
   (P)   All commercial/industrial structural pier drawings shall be designed, sealed, signed, and dated by a registered design professional.
   (Q)   Foundation walls with an unsupported length greater than 50 feet and a height greater than 4' but less than 8' shall have a minimum of 1 - #4 vertical rebar at 24" on center for 8" walls and 1 - #4 vertical rebar at 30" on center for 10" walls with rebar placed within 1 1/4" to 2" of the inside face of the wall.
   (R)   Openings in foundation wall for windows shall have at least 1 - #4 rebar on all 4 sides within 12" of the window frame.
   (S)   The support of a building shall extend around the entire building.
   Exception: Postholes designed to carry the loads applied.
   (T)   Ten inch wide concrete foundation walls with an unsupported length less than 20' shall not require vertical rebar if 9' or less in height as long as 2 - #4 rebar are installed at top, middle and bottom where the floor diaphragm is attached to the sill plate on top of the foundation wall.
   (U)   Eight inch wide concrete foundation walls with an unsupported length less than 15' shall not require vertical rebar if 8' or less in height as long as 2 - #4 rebar are installed at top, middle and bottom.
   (V)   The minimum concrete slab thickness shall not be less than 4". The minimum amount of stone below the concrete slabs shall not be less than 4". Piping of any kind shall not run horizontally inside the slab depth.
   Exception: Piping is allowed to run in the slab where structural concrete supports such as footings prohibit running the piping below the slab.
   (W)   Each plate section attached to a foundation shall have at least 2 code compliant anchor bolts.
   (X)   Window wells shall have stone and drains at least 2" below the window run to a sump pump.
   (Y)   Foam sill sealer shall be required below all sill plates attached to foundations.
   (Z)   Structures shall not be allowed to have some sections capable of moving with frost and other sections protected from frost (foundation insulation can be added to protect shallow portion).
   (AA)   Structures that require a permit shall have concrete support.
   Exception 1: Sheds less than 200 square feet.
   Exception 2: Structures where a structural engineer from the State of Illinois has designed an alternative and all manufacturer and research report requirements have been met.
   (BB)   Structures built under the International Residential Code (IRC) will only be required to submit a soil test if questionable soils are encountered during excavation as determined by the building inspector. It is recommended that areas near a designated flood plain or wetland area perform soil testing.
(Ord. 14-103, passed 5-15-2014; Am. Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-21) Penalty, see § 150.999
   (A)   Permits. A permit must be obtained for the installation of any mechanical work.
   Exceptions: Any portable equipment, minor repairs, self-contained refrigeration systems, range hoods or ductwork less than 30' length.
   (B)   Licenses. All mechanical contractors engaged in the performance of HVAC work shall be licensed per the Illinois Municipal Code 11-32-1.
   (C)   Alteration of equipment. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, disturb or change any equipment or to permit any equipment to be altered, disturbed, or changed unless done in conformity with the regulations in this code.
   (D)   Exhaust systems.
      (1)   Every bathroom containing a shower shall be ventilated by a mechanical ventilation system directly to the outside atmosphere. All exhaust vent(s) shall terminate in an approved fitting at the exterior of the building in order to help locate the termination point.
      (2)   Clothes dryer vents shall be a minimum .016" thick rigid metal duct and shall be sealed with approved metallic tape (not duct tape or screws). A flexible vent connector shall not be installed in walls or lengths greater than 6 feet.
      (3)   All ductwork in an unconditioned space shall be insulated ductwork.
   (E)   Equipment installation.
      (1)   HVAC equipment shall not be installed in attic or crawl space areas unless listed and labeled for installation in such spaces.
      (2)   Attic: Where equipment is installed in an attic, a permanent stairway or an approved pull down stair assembly shall be installed along with a walkway to the equipment. All walkways to the equipment shall be a minimum of 24 inches wide.
      (3)   Crawl space: All equipment located in a crawl space shall be raised at least eight inches above the slab. Any equipment suspended from the floor above shall have a ground clearance of at least eight inches.
      (4)   Interior installations: All interior installations other than in crawl spaces (see item (3) above) shall be raised a minimum of three inches above the adjoining floor.
   Exception: Downflow furnaces.
   (F)   HVAC Amendments.
      (1)   All buildings shall have a readily accessible, visible external shutoff valve located on the building for liquid or vapor fuels.
      (2)   All vents for combustible fuel appliances shall terminate a minimum of 35 inches above final grade.
      (3)   High efficient furnace and water heaters with sealed combustion chambers shall take combustion air from the outside.
      (4)   Flexible gas line connectors shall not be permitted for furnace and water heater installations.
      (5)   Corrugated stainless steel tubing shall not be permitted in any application.
(Ord. 21-102, passed 8-19-2021)