Television Wires and Cables
909.01      Permit required.
909.02      Application.
909.03      Bond.
909.04      Issuance of permit.
909.05      Extension prohibited.
909.06     Plan; insurance.
909.07     Installation.
909.08     Maintenance.
909.09     Operation.
909.99     Penalty.
Franchises - see CHTR. Sec. 12 et seq.
Poles and wires - see S.U.&P.S. Art. 911
   No person shall install, maintain, operate, or cause any of these to be done, at any point over any City street, alley, way or public place or property, any cable, equipment and other apparatus for transmission of television type electrical impulses or connect such cable, equipment or other apparatus as may be necessary to connect from any such point to private property without securing a permit therefor pursuant to the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 2077. Passed 9-8-53.)
   Any person desiring to obtain the permit required by Section 909.01, shall make application therefor to the City Clerk. The application shall be verified under oath and shall set forth:
   (a)   The name, business address and residence of the applicant, if a natural person; or if a corporation, its name, date and place of incorporation, address of its principal office; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated company, the names of the partners or the persons comprising the association or company with the place of business and the residence of each such partner or person.
   (b)   A description of points or places where any such cable or apparatus is or is intended to be over any such street, alley, way or public property in the City.
   (c)   A plan or design of the method or methods of installation.
(Ord. 2077. Passed 9-8-53.)