32.01 Composition
32.02 Age requirements
32.03 Residence telephones
32.04 Liability insurance
32.05 Police auxiliary
32.06 Police Chief to dispose of unclaimed property
Statutory reference:
Appointments, probationary period; age, see R.C. §§ 124,27, 124.30, 124.41
Assistance of State Criminal Bureau, see R.C. §§ 109.51 et seq.
Forwarding fingerprints and other data to State Criminal Bureau, see R.C. §§ 109.58 et seq.
Peace officer training certificate, see R.C. § 109.77
Police and Firemen’s Disability and Pension Fund, see R.C. Chapter 742
Police Chief suspension, see R.C. §§ 124.34, 124.40
Police officer may arrest on view, see R.C. §§ 2935.03, 2935.05, 2935.07
Promotions, see R.C. §§ 124.31, 124.44
Reductions; suspensions and removals, see R.C. §§ 124.34 et seq., 737.12
State provisions as to Police Department, see R.C. §§ 737.05 et seq.
The Police Department shall be composed of the following officers and other members:
(A) Chief of Police;
(B) Up to three Sergeants;
(C) Up to ten Patrolmen;
(D) One Canine (“K-9”) Officer;
(E) Up to four Communications Officers; and
(F) Temporary positions as required.
(2003 Code, § 32.01) (Ord. 2545, passed 4-21-1983; Ord. 2886, passed 4-19-1990; Ord. 3196, passed 4-2-1998; Ord. 3457, passed 3-7-2002)
(A) No person is eligible to receive an original appointment to the Police Department, as a police officer, subject to the civil service laws of this state, unless the person has reached the age of 21 and has, not more than 120 days prior to the date of such appointment, passed a physical examination, given by a licensed physician, certifying that the applicant is free of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and showing that the applicant meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the duties of a police officer as established by the Civil Service Commission having jurisdiction over the appointment. The appointing authority shall, prior to making any such appointment, file with the state’s Police and Fire Pension Fund a copy of the report or findings of the licensed physician. The professional fee for such physical examination shall be paid by the Civil Service Commission. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person is eligible to receive an original appointment when the person is 35 years of age or older, and no person can be declared disqualified as over age prior to that time. The maximum age limitation established by this section does not apply to a city in which an ordinance establishes a different maximum age limitation for an original appointment to the Police Department.
(B) Nothing in this section shall prevent a municipal corporation from establishing a police cadet program and employing persons as police cadets at age 18 for the purposes of training persons to become police officers. A person participating in a municipal police cadet program shall not be permitted to carry or use any firearm in the performance of the person’s duties, except that the person may be taught the proper use of firearms as part of the person’s training.
(R.C. § 124.41) (2003 Code, § 32.02)
(A) The city shall furnish the cost of initial installation and the regular monthly basic charge for private telephones in the residences of all regular uniformed police officers, including the Chief of Police.
(B) The city shall not be obligated, however, to furnish the cost of any toll calls, relocation of telephone equipment within a residence or from residence to residence in the event such officer or Chief changes his or her place of residence; nor shall the city be obliged to furnish the cost of any extension telephones or other optional equipment.
(2003 Code, § 32.03) (Ord. 1937, passed 8-1-1968)
(A) All members of the Police Department who have arrest powers are authorized to make application for professional liability insurance through the National Sheriff’s Association, the administration fee and premium fee being $82.50 annually, per individual, for false arrest or any civil liability by police officers.
(B) The administrative fee and premium charged to each member of the Police Department for professional liability insurance in the National Sheriffs Association, shall be payable from the Safety Department General Fund.
(2003 Code, § 32.04) (Ord. 2222, passed 2-3-1977)