Secondhand Dealers
727.01    Definitions.
727.02    Records of purchases and sales.
727.03    Retention of articles.
727.04    Photograph of articles and person.
727.05    Prohibited transactions.
727.99    Penalty.
         Pawnbrokers - see BUS.REG. Ch. 723
         Peddlers and Solicitors - see BUS. REG. Ch. 725
   (a)   As used in this chapter certain terms are defined as follows:
      (1)   "Person" means any individual, limited liability company, partnership, corporation, or other organized or united group and includes the fiscal and/or person responsible for every officer, member, or director of any aforementioned entity.
      (2)   "Personal identification card" is a current and valid driver's license, military identification card, stated identification card issued under Ohio R.C. 4507.50 through 4507.52, or a state indemnification card issued by another state on the condition that the card contains information substantially similar to the information contained on the Ohio identification cards and also contains a photograph of the person to whom the card is issued.
      (3)   "Secondhand dealer" means a person operating a store, shop, or other business outlet for the purpose of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or receiving secondhand articles, other than clothing or special purchase articles as defined in Ohio R.C. 4737.04, scrap iron, and scrap metal.
      (4)   "Secondhand article" means any item which has previously been owned, used, or worn by another, or something which is not new.
         (Ord. 53-2012. Passed 10-2-12.)
   (a)   All secondhand dealers shall keep a record book in writing, in English language, at the time of the purchase or exchange of such articles, of the following specific items or information:
      (1)   A complete description, including without limitation all of the following that are available, serial number, monograms, inscriptions, or other marks of identification of any article purchased or received by such dealer;
      (2)   The name, address or residence, and general description of the person from whom the article was purchased and received;
      (3)   A copy of the person's personal identification card; and
      (4)   The date and time of such transaction.
   (b)   All entries in the record book shall be numbered consecutively, starting with the number one;
   (c)   The record book and copies of the personal identification shall be retained for at least one year after the transaction;
   (d)   All books, records, articles, and copies of personal identification cards that are required shall be open and available to inspection by any agent authorized by the Mayor or any law enforcement officer at all reasonable times.
(Ord. 53-2012. Passed 10-2-12.)