The City is divided into ten voting precincts described as follows:
1. Precinct 1. Election Precinct 1 is that part of the City lying south of W. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) and north of Ashworth Road, east of T Avenue and west of 6th Street (Ute Avenue). Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying south of W. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6), north of Northview Drive, west of S. Warrior Lane and east of 6th Street. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of unincorporated Boone Township lying north of Ashworth Rd., west of Ute Avenue within Dallas County.
2. Precinct 2. Election Precinct 2 is that part of the City lying west of T Avenue. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of W. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6), west of N. Warrior Lane and east of T Avenue. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying east of N. Warrior Lane and north of the following described line: Beginning at the the intersection of N. Warrior Lane and NE Sunrise Drive, then east to the intersection of NE Sunrise Drive and NE Dartmoor Drive, then north to the intersection of NE Dartmoor Drive and NE Douglas Parkway, then east to the intersection of NE Douglas Parkway and NE Westgate Drive, then south to the intersection of NE Westgate Drive and NE Dellwood Drive, then east to the intersection of NE Dellwood Drive and NE Alice’s Road. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of unincorporated Walnut Township lying along N. Warrior Lane, and that portion of unincorporated Walnut Township lying along 300th Street, and that portion of unincorporated Walnut Township lying south of 270th Street and east of T Avenue within Dallas County.
3. Precinct 3. Election Precinct 3 is that part of the City lying north of E. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6), west of NE Alice’s Road and south of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of N. Warrior Lane and NE Sunrise Drive, then east to the intersection of NE Sunrise Drive and NE Dartmoor Drive, then north to the intersection of NE Dartmoor Drive and NE Douglas Parkway, then east to the intersection of NE Douglas Parkway and NE Westgate Drive, then south to the intersection of NE Westgate Drive and NE Dellwood Drive, then east to the intersection of NE Dellwood Drive and NE Alice’s Road. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of E. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) and east of NE Alice’s Road. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying south of E. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6), east of SE Alice’s Road and west and north of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of E. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) and SE Waco Place, then south to the intersection of SE Waco Place and SE Laurel Street, then west to the intersection of SE Laurel Street and SE Brick Drive, then south to the intersection of SE Brick Drive and SE Olson Drive, then west to the intersection of SE Olson Drive and SE Alice’s Road.
4. Precinct 4. Election Precinct 4 is that part of the City lying south of E Hickman Road east of S. Warrior Lane, west of SE Alice’s Road, and north of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of S. Warrior Lane and SE Marshall Drive, then east to the intersection of SE Marshall Drive and SE Cardinal Lane, then south to where SE Cardinal Lane transitions to SE Olson Drive, then east to the intersection of SE Olson Drive and SE Alice’s Road.
5. Precinct 5. Election Precinct 5 is that part of the City lying north of University Avenue extended, south of Northview Drive, east of 6th Street and west of S. Warrior Lane. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE University Avenue, east of S. Warrior Lane, west of SE Brick Drive and south of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of S. Warrior Lane and SE Marshall Drive, then east to the intersection of SE Marshall Drive and SE Cardinal Lane, then south to where SE Cardinal Lane transitions to SE Olson Drive, then east to the intersection of SE Olson Drive and SE Brick Drive.
6. Precinct 6. Election Precinct 6 is that part of the City lying north of SE Olson Drive, east of SE Brick Drive, west of SE Waco Place and south of SE Laurel Street. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE Olson Drive, east of SE Waco Place, and west of SE Boone Drive.
7. Precinct 7. Election Precinct 7 is that part of the City lying north of SE University Avenue, east of SE Brick Drive, west of SE Boone Drive and south of SE Olson Drive. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE University Avenue and east of SE Boone Drive. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of the city of Clive in Dallas County lying west of NW 142nd Street and north of SE University Avenue not contiguous to the remainder of the city of Clive in Dallas County.
7. Precinct 7. Election Precinct 7 is that part of the City lying north of SE University Avenue, east of SE Brick Drive, west of SE Boone Drive and south of SE Olson Drive. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE University Avenue and east of SE Boone Drive. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of the city of Clive in Dallas County lying west of NW 142nd Street and north of SE University Avenue not contiguous to the remainder of the city of Clive in Dallas County.
8. Precinct 8. Election Precinct 8 is that part of the City lying north of Westown Parkway/SE Westown Parkway, east of 6th Street (Ute Avenue), west of SE LA Grant Parkway and south of University Avenue extended/SE University Avenue, except that portion of the City lying south of SE University Avenue, north of SE Booth Avenue, east of SE Waddell Way and west of SE LA Grant Parkway. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of Ashworth Road and east of 6th Street (Ute Avenue) to the corporate limit line. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of unincorporated Boone Township lying north of Ashworth Rd., east of Ute Avenue within Dallas County.
9. Precinct 9. Election Precinct 9 is that part of the City lying north of SE Westown Parkway, east of SE LA Grant Parkway, west of Grand Prairie Parkway and south of SE University Avenue. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE Booth Avenue, east of SE Waddell Way, west of SE LA Grant Parkway and south of SE University Avenue.
10. Precinct 10. Election Precinct 10 is that part of the City lying south of Ashworth Road/SE Ashworth Road. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE Ashworth Road, east of Grand Prairie Parkway and south of SE University Avenue. Said precinct also includes that part of the City lying north of SE Ashworth Road, south of SE Westown Parkway and west of Grand Prairie Parkway to the corporate limit line. Pursuant to a memorandum of agreement, this precinct also includes that portion of unincorporated Boone Township lying south of Ashworth Rd., north of Interstate 80; and that portion south of Interstate 80, west of Ute Avenue and north of extended Napa Valley Drive; and that portion of unincorporated Van Meter Township not contiguous with the remainder of Van Meter Township, lying south of 340th Trail and north of the Raccoon River all within Dallas County.
(Section 6.07 – Ord. 3014 – Dec. 21 Supp.)