1. District Established. There is hereby established the Water Tower Connection Fee District, to include the following real property situated in the City:
All real property within the incorporated boundaries of the City of Waukee as of June 1, 2004, and all real property in the unincorporated areas lying within two miles of said boundaries.
2. Water Connection Fees. Water connection fees are hereby established and shall be imposed on owners of properties lying within the Water Tower Connection Fee District at the time of application by said owners to connect their properties to the Municipal Waterworks System.
3. Water Connection Applications. Applications by property owners within the Water Tower Connection Fee District for connection of their property to the Municipal Waterworks System shall be due at the time of submission of an application for a building permit relative to the property for which the connection is sought. For mobile home owners, applications for connection of their property to the Municipal Waterworks System shall be due at the time of submission of an application for a mobile home permit.
4. Schedule of Water Connection Fees.
A. Water connection fees shall be due at the time of submission of a Water Connection Application as described in Subsection 3 of this section. Issuance of building permits and/or mobile home permits shall not occur until such time as any and all fees have been paid in full.
B. Fees shall be based upon the equitable costs of extending service from the Municipal Waterworks System to the property for which connection is sought. From the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, fees shall be imposed in the following amounts:
(1) For Single-Family Residential properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $1,298.56 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System.
(2) For Attached Residential properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $2,652.21 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System.
(3) For Multi-Family Residential properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $3,657.84 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System.
(4) For Mobile Home properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $1,298.56 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System.
(5) For Commercial properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $1,646.58 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System for fire storage benefit plus $12.69 per fixture unit (as defined in the 2003 International Building Code) on the property for average day usage benefit.
(6) For Industrial/Business Park properties within the Water Tower Connection Fee District - $1,646.58 per acre of property to be served by the connection to the Municipal Waterworks System for fire storage benefit plus $12.69 per fixture unit (as defined in the 2003 International Building Code) on the property for average day usage benefit.
C. The City Council reserves the right to grant variances from this schedule of fees.
5. Effect of Schedule. The schedule of water connection fees detailed in Subsection 4 of this section shall remain in force and effect until such time as the City Council of the City adopts an ordinance amending and adjusting the schedule of fees for the Water Tower Connection Fee District. Nothing herein is intended to restrict the City Council of the City from an adjustment to the schedule of water connection fees to reflect future construction costs.