Angle or diagonal parking is permitted only in the following locations:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.361)
1. On the west side of 4th Street, 142 feet north from the northwest corner of Maple Street.
2. On the west side of 4th Street, from a point 645 feet south of the centerline of Ashworth Drive to a point 820 feet south of the centerline of Ashworth Drive.
(Subsection 2 – Ord. 3042 – Jul. 22 Supp.)
3. On the west side of 6th Street starting 123 feet north of Ashworth Drive south to the north side of Locust Street.
4. On the west side of 6th Street 100 feet south from Locust Street.
5. On the east side of 6th Street from a point 157 feet south of Walnut Street to a point 239 feet south of Walnut; and from a point 266 feet south of Walnut to a point 294 feet south of Walnut.
6. On the east side of 7th Street from the south side of Maple Street to a point 160 feet south of Maple Street and from the north side of Walnut Street to a point 90 feet north of Walnut Street.
(Ord. 3006 - Sep. 21 Supp.)
7. On the north side of Ashworth Drive from a point 82 feet west of 6th Street to the west side of 5th Street and on the south side of Ashworth Drive from a point 121 feet west of 5th Street to the west side of 5th Street.
8. On the south side of Locust Street a distance of 134 feet west of 6th Street.
9. In the Business District (Triangle) from a point 206 feet west of 5th Street to a point 295 feet west of 5th Street.
10. On the north side of Walnut Street from 6th Street to 7th Street and on the south side of Walnut Street from Ashworth Drive to a point 165 feet west of the west side of 6th Street.
(Ord. 3006 – Sep. 21 Supp.)