In accordance with requirements of the Iowa Department of Transportation, or whenever the Council shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any speed limit listed in Section 63.02 is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of the City street system, the Council shall determine and adopt by ordinance such higher or lower speed limit as it deems reasonable and safe at such location. The following special speed zones have been established:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.290)
1. Special 15 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 15 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof:
A. Park Circle.
2. Special 15 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 15 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof:
A. Park Circle.
(Subsection 2 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
3. Special 25 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 25 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. S Warrior Lane from the centerline of Ashworth Drive to the north ROW line of SE University Avenue.
B. 6th Street from the centerline of Locust Street to a point 125 feet south of the centerline of Gray Avenue.
(Subsection 3 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
4. Special 25/35 MPH Speed Zones. On the following described streets, the maximum speed limit with flashing beacons in operation shall be 25 miles per hour. The maximum speed limit with flashing beacons not activated shall be 35 miles per hour. The hours of operation shall be established by the Public Works Department.
A. SE Ashworth Drive from 75 feet east of the centerline of S Warrior Lane to 245 feet north of the centerline of SE University Avenue.
B. SE Boone Drive from a point 54 feet south of the north City limits on SE Boone Drive to a point 303 feet north of the centerline of SE Westwood Drive.
C. SE LA Grant Parkway from a point 125 feet north of the centerline of SE Westown Parkway to the north ROW line of SE Ashworth Road.
D. SE Westown Parkway from the west ROW line of SE LA Grant Parkway to the centerline of SE Willowbrook Drive.
E. NE Douglas Parkway from a point 125 feet east of the centerline of NE Owl Ridge Drive to a point 125 feet west of the centerline of NE Dartmoor Drive.
(Subsection 4 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
5. Special 30 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 30 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. Laurel Street from the centerline of S Warrior Lane to the centerline of 4th Street.
B. NE Horizon Drive from the centerline of NE Westgate Drive to the west ROW line of NE Alice’s Road.
C. SE Waco Place from the south ROW line of E Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) to the centerline of SE Laurel Street.
D. NW 2nd Street from the north ROW line of W Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) to the centerline of NW Douglas Parkway.
E. NW Sunrise Drive from the east ROW line of NW 10th Street to the centerline of NW 2nd Street.
F. SE Brick Drive from the south ROW line of E Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) to the north ROW line of SE University Avenue.
(Subsection 5 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
6. Special 35 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 35 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. NE Alice’s Road (west half), also known as R-30, from the northern City limits to the centerline of NE Douglas Parkway.
B. SE Ashworth Drive from the centerline of S Warrior Lane to the centerline of SE University Avenue.
C. SE Boone Drive from the northern City limits to the centerline of SE University Avenue.
D. NE Douglas Parkway from the centerline of NE Alice’s Road to the centerline of S Avenue.
E. SE LA Grant Parkway from the centerline of SE University Avenue to the centerline of Ashworth Road.
F. SE University Avenue from the centerline of S Warrior Lane to the centerline of SE Alice’s Rd/Grand Prairie Parkway.
G. N Warrior Lane from the northern City limits to the centerline of SE Ashworth Drive.
H. 6th Street from a point 125 feet south of the centerline of Gray Avenue to the centerline of SE University Avenue.
I. SE Westown Parkway from the centerline of 6th Street to the centerline SE Waco Place.
J. SE Waco Place from the centerline of SE University Avenue to the centerline of Ashworth Road.
K. 142nd Street, from the northern City limits to a point 45 feet south of the middle of the intersection of 142nd Street and SE Place D’Avray, also known as the southern City limits.
L. Ashworth Rd/SE Ashworth Road from the western City limits to the centerline of SE Waco Place.
M. NW Meredith Drive from the western City limits to the centerline of N Warrior Lane.
N. 10th Street from the south ROW line of W Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) to the centerline of SE University Avenue.
O. NW 10th Street from the north ROW line of W Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) to the centerline of NW Douglas Parkway.
P. 6th Street (Ute Avenue) from the centerline of Daybreak Drive to the centerline of Silverleaf Lane.
(Subsection 6 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
7. Special 40 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 40 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 3050 – Oct. 22 Supp.)
(Subsection 7 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
8. Special 45 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 45 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. NE Alice’s Road from the centerline of NE Douglas Parkway to the centerline of SE University Avenue.
B. SE University Avenue from the centerline of SE Alice’s Road/Grand Prairie Parkway to the eastern City limits.
C. SE University Avenue from the centerline of S Warrior Lane to the western City limits.
D. 6th Street (Ute Avenue), from the centerline of SE University Avenue to the centerline of Daybreak Drive.
E. 6th Street (Ute Avenue) from the centerline of Silverleaf Lane to the southern City limits.
F. Grand Prairie Parkway from the centerline of SE University Avenue to the southern City limits.
G. Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) from a point 630 feet east of the centerline of Alice’s Road to a point 530 feet west of the centerline of 10th Street.
H. NW 10th Street from the centerline of NW Meredith Drive to the centerline of NW Douglas Parkway.
(Subsection 8 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
9. Special 50 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 50 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. E Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) from a point 630 feet east of the centerline of Alice’s Road to the eastern City limits.
(Subsection 9 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
10. Special 55 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 55 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. W Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) from a point 530 feet west of the centerline of 10th Street to a point 1,315 feet east of the centerline of 17th Street.
B. NW 10th Street from NW Meredith Drive to northern City limits.
(Subsection 10 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)
11. Special 65 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of 65 miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. W Hickman Road (U.S. Highway 6) from a point 1,315 feet east of the centerline of 17th Street to the western City limits.
(Subsection 11 – Ord. 3066 – Feb. 23 Supp.)