The final plat shall consist of photographic reproduction mylar with a maximum size of 24 inches by 36 inches. The subdivider shall provide the corresponding digital computer-aided-drafting (CAD) files, in a format compatible with the city’s CAD system format in use at the time of submittal of the final plat. The final plat shall portray or present the following:
   (A)   Boundary lines, with dimensions and bearings, based on an accurate traverse and referenced in accordance with the Illinois Coordinate System Act, ILCS Ch. 765, Act 225, §§ 1 et seq., and the Federal Geodetic Control Committee. The allowable error of closure and positional accuracy of the boundary traverse, or any portion of the final plat, shall be one tenth of a foot (0.10) or 1:20,000 for distances greater than 2,000 feet for urban property (Second Order, Class 1) and one tenth of a foot (0.10) or 1:10,000 for distances greater than 1,000 feet for suburban property (Second Order, Class 2) . The final plat shall show coordinate value for each exterior corner.
   (B)   Accurate dimensions and bearings to a minimum of two survey control points established by traverse to the city’s Monument Densification Project on file with the city. Reference corners shall be accurately described on the final plat.
   (C)   Reference to known and permanent monuments and bench marks from which future surveys may be made, together with elevations of any bench marks; and the surveyor must, at the time of making his or her survey, establish permanent monuments, set in such a manner that they will not be moved by frost, which mark the external boundaries of the tract to be divided or subdivided, and must designate upon the plat the locations where they may be found.
   (D)   Accurate metes and bounds descriptions of the boundary and the included area of the subdivision to the nearest 1/100 of an acre.
   (E)   Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract.
   (F)   Right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines and areas of lots and other tracts, with accurate dimensions, bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs and chords, points of tangency, and central angles.
   (G)   Name and right-of-way width for each proposed street or other right-of-way.
   (H)   Easements.
      (1)   Location and dimensions of any easement within or outside the platted boundary of the subdivision and a statement of purpose for each easement.
      (2)   Document record number of any easement outside the platted boundary of the subdivision.
   (I)   Number to identify each lot or site with assigned street addresses.
   (J)   Purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved.
   (K)   Lot dimensions and areas of each lot, and building lots or setback lines and dimensions.
   (L)   Location, type, material and size of all monuments and lot markers.
   (M)   Certification, before a notary public, by the owners in fee of all property embraced within the final plat, acknowledging the plat to be their free and voluntary act, dedicating to the public use forever the streets and drainage easements shown thereon, dedicating the easements shown thereon for the construction and maintenance of municipal and public utility services, and stating that building lines shown thereon will be referenced to in all future conveyances of lots in the subdivision. In addition, the plat shall include the dedication and reservation to the public of any right-of-way shown thereon. The execution of a final plat by the owners in fee shall also be a representation and warranty by the owners in fee that the plat is true and correct in all respects and that the owners in fee will forever protect and fully indemnify the city, and public utility or other person or entity benefitted by any easements or right-of-way shown on the final plat from any claim, including any attorney or professional fees incurred as a result of reliance upon the plat.
   (N)   Reference to recorded subdivision plats within 300 feet of adjoining platted land by record name, date and number.
   (O)   Certification by the owners and owners’ engineer acknowledging that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the drainage of surface waters will not be changed by the construction of such subdivision or any part thereof, or, that if such surface water drainage will be changed, reasonable provision has been made for collection and diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains that the subdivider has a right to use, and that such surface waters will be planned for in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the likelihood of damage to the adjoining property because of the construction of the subdivision.
   (P)   Title or name of subdivision; identification of the portion of the Public Lands Survey in which the subdivision is located, and north arrow, showing scale and date shown.
   (Q)   Certification by registered land surveyor with registration numbers and seal affixed to all final documents prepared by the surveyor.
   (R)   Certification of dedication of all public areas.
   (S)   The permanent monument(s)/benchmark(s) placed and/or being used as required and described by § 34-1-17(C). The reference marks used for this survey and their elevations shall be denoted on the final plat.
   (T)   The Mayor and City Clerk’s signature block shall read as follows:
      Approved and accepted this _____ day of __________, 20___ by the City Council of Waterloo. The city does not assume any liability for drainage facilities improperly designed or constructed. The city reviews drainage plans, but cannot, on behalf of any applicant, owner or developer, guarantee that final drainage design review and approval by the city will relieve said person, his or her successors and assigns, from liability due to improper design. City approval of a final plat does not imply approval of the drainage design with that plat.
(Ord. 1069, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 1278, passed 3-15-2004; Am. Ord. 1304, passed 6-28-2004; Am. Ord. 1378, passed 6-26-2006; Am. Ord. 1527, passed 9-8-2009; Am. Ord. 1696, passed 3-21-2016) Penalty, see § 34-1-12