The following requirements shall be applied in the subdivision and construction of land areas, in conjunction with applicable standards and specifications contained in the Illinois Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, excepting Chapter Six. The developer must comply with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) specifications for soil erosion and sediment control, latest edition, and must apply for an NPDES permit E, as applicable, through the IEPA:
   (A)   General.
      (1)   The development shall conform to the natural limitations presented by topography and soil so as to create the least possible soil erosion.
      (2)   Land shall be developed in increments of workable size such that adequate erosion controls can be provided as construction progresses. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one period of time.
      (3)   Existing healthy trees and native vegetation on the site shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible.
      (4)   All temporary and permanent erosion controls must be maintained and repaired by the developer and his or her contractor.
      (5)   The city can determine which controls are in need of initial or additional repair, at any time during construction. This does not absolve the developer and his or her contractor from their responsibilities to maintain planned controls at their intended levels of operation.
      (6)   The developer and his or her contractor shall bear all costs of installing erosion controls per requirements herein, and those proposed in the improvement plans, and all costs of required repairs.
      (7)   Land disturbance of any lot in the development and storage of dirt shall be spread on the total area of lot(s) to eliminate heaping and minimize unsightly growth. All weeds, grass, or vegetation shall be maintained below eight inches in height.
   (B)   Temporary controls.
      (1)   The location of temporary controls shall be shown on improvement plans, either on the grading plans, street plans, or other sheets, in addition to details of these controls. The site disturbance may occur in stages, so that all planned controls are not utilized at the same time. However, all controls used immediately or at later stages should be shown.
      (2)   Temporary controls should be planned so that sediment is retained on-site so there is the least potential for soil erosion. All temporary controls shall be in place prior to initiating clearing, grading, stripping, excavating or fill activities on-site.
      (3)   All disturbed areas with no defined swales or ditches, where sheet flow runoff occurs so that natural or re-routed flows exit the property being developed, shall have filter barriers the entire length of the intercepting boundary, paralleling it, be it an existing or recently constructed street, adjoining property line, and/or waterway. The waterway may be an existing or proposed swale, ditch, creek, river, pond, lake, existing detention basin, or other type that transports existing or re-routed flows from one property to another. Filter barriers may be straw bales or silt fences.
      (4)   All areas having slopes steeper than 1:3 shall be stabilized with sod, mat, or blanket in combination with seeding or equivalent.
      (5)   All storm inlets shall have upstream sediment traps or filter barriers around them. All pipe culverts shall have similar controls at their upstream and downstream ends. All existing or proposed swales and/or ditches shall have filter barriers or sediment traps every 300 feet, at a minimum.
      (6)   All disturbance of waterways such as creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, and/or existing detention basins, such that existing or proposed vegetation is removed and soil is exposed shall be stabilized with rock or rip rap if the bank slopes are steeper than 1:4, or with erosion blankets, if the bank side slopes are less than 1:4. The erosion control shall be placed in the waterway bottom, extending up and over the banks. This stabilization shall be done within 48 hours after the channel disturbance is complete. All proposed waterways shall be stabilized.
      (7)   Where construction crossings are necessary, temporary crossings shall be constructed of non-erosive material such as rip rap or gravel, and shall comply with all state, federal and local agencies’ policies regarding such activity.
      (8)   Whenever temporary channel diversion is necessary, the new channel shall be constructed with the existing channel functioning and fully stabilized before flow is diverted. Temporary erosion control, similar to that required for a proposed channel, shall be used for the temporary channel.
      (9)   Soil storage piles containing more than ten cubic yards of material shall not be located with a downslope drainage length of less than 25 feet to a roadway, drainage channel or sinkhole. Filter barriers, including straw bales, filter fence, or equivalent, shall be installed immediately on the downslope side of the piles.
      (10)   If dewatering devices such as pumps are used, discharge locations shall be protected from erosion. All pumped discharges shall be routed through appropriately designed sediment traps or basins, or equivalent, and shall not be deposited into a sinkhole.
      (11)   Sediment basins and sediment traps shall be designed to store the estimated sediment load for the contributing area, for the duration of one year.
      (12)   Each site shall have gravel entrance roads of sufficient length and width to prevent sediment from being tracked onto public or private roadways. Any sediment on a public or private road, for any distance beyond the entrance road, shall be removed by shoveling or street cleaning, not flushing, before the end of each workday, and transported to appropriate areas on the site.
      (13)   Alteration of sinkholes is prohibited.
   (C)   Permanent controls.
      (1)   No trash, dead trees, uprooted stumps, brush piles, or soil storage piles shall remain after construction, as determined by the city.
      (2)   All temporary erosion controls shall remain in place at least 30 days after permanent controls are in place, at which time these shall be disposed of in a proper manner by the developer and his or her contractor.
      (3)   All aggregate or rip rap used for temporary controls shall be removed from the site. Disturbed areas required for such removals shall have permanent erosion controls in place immediately following the disturbance.
      (4)   Any sediment not intercepted by temporary controls in permanent drainage structures shall be removed to the structure flowlines.
      (5)   All disturbed areas within the site shall be seeded in general accordance with the IDOT Standard Specifications. Seeding, Class 1 or 2 shall be used within right-of-way areas. Seeding, Class 1, 2 or 3 shall be used in other areas. Seeding does not have to be broadcast with methods specified in the Standard Specifications, however, application rates shall apply. Mulch, Method 2, shall be utilized for all disturbed areas.
(Ord. 1069, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 1696, passed 3-21-2016) Penalty, see § 34-1-12