There is hereby established in the city government a commission to be known as the commission on human rights, which commission shall consist of nine (9) members broadly representative of the community. Members of said commission shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. (Ord. 5064, 8-1-2011)
A. Of the members first appointed, three (3) shall be appointed for one year, four (4) shall be appointed for two (2) years and three (3) shall be appointed for three (3) years; thereafter all appointments shall be for three (3) years. No member of said commission shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms and shall not be reappointed to a third term unless said member has not served on any board or commission of the city for a minimum of one year before reappointment to any board or commission; except a third term may be approved upon extraordinary circumstances and unavailability of applicants.
B. The commission shall elect a chair and vice chair from the members of the commission.
C. All members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary travel and other expenses, out of the funds appropriated for the commission. (Ord. 4145, 1-8-1996)
D. The mayor, subject to approval by the city council, shall appoint an executive director who shall not be a member of the commission. The executive director and the commission staff shall be compensated in such amounts as may be fixed by the city council. Additional personnel may be hired as is deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter consistent with the funds appropriated for that purpose and any gifts or grants which the commission may receive from other sources. (Ord. 4064, 1-3-1995)