The state director of revenue and finance shall administer the provisions of the hotel and motel tax as nearly as possible in conjunction with the administration of the state tax law. Said director shall provide appropriate forms, or provide on the regular state tax forms, for reporting the hotel and motel tax liability. All monies received or refunded one hundred eighty (180) days after the date on which the city terminates the hotel and motel tax shall be deposited in or withdrawn from the state general fund. (Ord. 4052, 11-14-1994)
The tax herein imposed and levied shall be in addition to any state sales tax imposed under Iowa Code section 422.43. The provisions of Iowa Code sections 422.25(4), 422.30, 422.48 to 422.52, 422.54 to 422.58, 422.67, 422.68, 422.69(1), and 422.70 to 422.75, consistent with chapter 422A, shall apply with respect to the taxes authorized under said chapter 422A, in the same manner and with the same effect as if the hotel and motel taxes were retail sales taxes within the meaning of those statutes. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the director of revenue and finance of the state shall provide for only quarterly filing of returns as prescribed in Iowa Code section 422.51. Further, said director may require all persons as defined in Iowa Code section 422.42, who are engaged in the business of deriving gross receipts subject to tax under Iowa Code chapter 422A, to register with the department of revenue and finance of the state. (Ord. 4052, 11-14-1994)
A. There is created in the office of the state treasurer a local transient guest tax fund which shall consist of all monies credited to such fund under this article.
B. All monies in the local transient guest tax fund shall be remitted at least quarterly by the state treasurer, pursuant to rules of the director of revenue and finance of the state, to the city in the amount collected from business in said city.
C. Monies received by the city from this fund shall be credited to the general fund of such city, subject to the provisions of subsection D of this section. (Ord. 4052, 11-14-1994)
D. The revenue derived from any hotel and motel tax authorized by this article shall be used as follows:
1. Fifty percent (50%) to the Waterloo convention and visitors bureau for the promotion of tourism.
2. Twenty percent (20%), or a minimum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00), to the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center.
3. Ten percent (10%) to the Waterloo city council for discretionary purposes.
4. Twenty percent (20%) to recreation, culture, conventions, entertainment. The board of directors of the Waterloo convention and visitors bureau shall make recommendations every January to the city council concerning the allocation of these funds. (Ord. 4584, 10-28-2002)