A. Execution Of Deeds Conveying City Property: All deeds and releases for the conveyance of any real estate belonging to the city shall be made in the name of the city, as party of the first part, and shall be executed by the mayor and the city clerk in their official capacity, and they shall affix the corporate seal of the city thereto; such deed or release shall thereupon be acknowledged by the mayor and city clerk for and on behalf of the city, which deed so executed and acknowledged shall be valid and effectual to convey all rights and release all claims thereby purporting to be conveyed or released.
B. Execution Of Contracts:
1. All contracts entered into by the city, except such as may be entered into by ordinance, shall be in writing, delivered to the city clerk, approved by the city council, and executed by the mayor in his official capacity as directed by the city council. City council approval of a contract or agreement shall be endorsed on the contract or agreement by the city clerk, and attested by the city clerk’s signature. Contracts or agreements entered into by the city may be executed with an electronic signature, in accordance with section 1-8-6 of this code and Iowa Code Chapter 554D.
2. The city shall not be bound by, or be liable upon, any contract or agreement except such as shall be entered into and executed in accordance with the provisions of subsection B1 of this section. (Rev. Ord. 1127, Comp. 1941, p. D-3; amd. Ord. 5557, 6-1-2020)
A. All supplies, goods and merchandise used by the city shall be purchased as provided in subsection B of this section, and in no other manner.
B. Whenever it is necessary for the city to purchase supplies for any of the departments of the city, unless ordered by the city council at a regular or special session, a written order must be first had and obtained from the city clerk before the supplies, goods or merchandise can be purchased.
C. Any officer or employees of the city or any other person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offense, and the city shall not be liable for any goods purchased other than on such a written order. (Rev. Ord. 1171, Comp. 1941, p. P-7)
All bills and claims against the city shall be itemized, and shall not be allowed until passed upon by the proper committee, and as by ordinance provided, except the bills of city officers and others employed by the city and receiving a compensation fixed by ordinance, resolution or by contract. (Rev. Ord. 1117, Comp. 1941, p. C-6)
A. The city shall establish and maintain a minimum level of year-end general fund cash balance of no less than five percent (5%) of the total general fund revenue budgeted or amended each fiscal year. The city council shall adopt the annual operating budget each fiscal year in a manner consistent with the required minimum level of year-end cash balance. Budget deficit reduction measures shall be taken in the course of each fiscal year should it be determined that without such measures the general fund cash balance would fall below the required minimum level of year-end general fund cash balance at the close of that fiscal year.
B. Upon adoption of this section, the mayor and city council shall implement and exercise the necessary budget controls to enable the city to comply with this section within the prescribed time allowable stated herein. The general fund cash balance shall be at the minimum required level of five percent (5%) of annual general fund revenue no later than June 30, 1996. (Ord. 4012, 4-25-1994)
A. Definitions:
NEW CONSTRUCTION: New buildings and structures and includes new buildings and structures which are constructed as additions to existing buildings and structures. New construction does not include reconstruction of an existing building or structure which does not constitute complete replacement of an existing building or structure or refitting of an existing building or structure, unless the reconstruction of an existing building or structure is required due to economic obsolescence and the reconstruction is necessary to implement recognized industry standards for the manufacturing and processing of specific products and the reconstruction is required for the owner of the building or structure to continue to competitively manufacture or process those products, which shall receive prior approval from the city council upon the recommendation of the Iowa development commission. The exemption shall also apply to new machinery and equipment assessed to real estate pursuant to Iowa Code section 427A.1(1), paragraph (e), unless the machinery or equipment is part of the normal replacement or operating process to maintain or expand the existing operational status.
B. Partial Exemption For Construction Or Improvement Of Industrial Real Estate: The city council, by this section, provides for a partial exemption from property taxation of the actual value added to industrial real estate by the new construction of industrial real estate and the acquisition of or improvement to machinery and equipment assessed as real estate pursuant to Iowa Code section 427A.1(1), paragraph (e). This partial exemption shall be available until such time as this section is repealed by the city council.
C. Period Of Eligibility; Rate Of Proportionate Distribution: The actual value added to industrial real estate for the reasons specified in this section is eligible to receive a partial exemption from taxation for a period of five (5) years. "Actual value added" as used in this section means the actual value added as of the first of the year for which the exemption is received, except that actual value added by improvements to machinery and equipment means the actual value as determined by the assessor as of January 1 of each year for which the exemption is received. The amount of actual value added which is eligible to be exempt from taxation shall be as follows:
1. For the first year, seventy five percent (75%).
2. For the second year, sixty percent (60%).
3. For the third year, forty five percent (45%).
4. For the fourth year, thirty percent (30%).
5. For the fifth year, fifteen percent (15%).
However, the granting of the exemption under this section for new construction constituting complete replacement of an existing building or structure shall not result in the assessed value of the industrial real estate being reduced below the assessed value of the industrial real estate before the start of the new construction added.
D. Application:
1. Application For Project: An application shall be filed for each project resulting in actual value added for which an exemption is claimed. The application for exemption shall be filed by the owner of the property with the local assessor by February 1 of the assessment year in which the value added is first assessed for taxation. Applications for exemption shall be made on forms prescribed by the director of revenue and finance and shall contain information pertaining to the nature of the improvement, its cost and other information deemed necessary by the director of revenue and finance.
2. Application For Prior Approval: A person may submit a proposal to the city council to receive prior approval for eligibility for a tax exemption on new construction. The city council, by ordinance, may give its prior approval of a tax exemption for new construction if the new construction is in conformance with the zoning plans for the city. The prior approval shall also be subject to the hearing requirements of this section. Such prior approval shall not entitle the owner to exemption from taxation until the new construction has been completed and found to be qualified real estate. However, if the tax exemption for new construction is not approved, the person may submit an amended proposal to the city council to approve or reject.
E. Repeal Exemption Provisions: When, in the opinion of the city council, continuation of the exemption granted in this section ceases to be of benefit to the city, the city council may repeal this section, but all existing exemptions shall continue until their expiration.
F. Limitation On Tax Exemptions: A property tax exemption under this section shall not be granted if the property for which the exemption is claimed has received any other property tax exemption authorized by law. (Ord. 3136, 4-13-1981)