No person shall, for the purpose of causing a condition of intoxication, euphoria, excitement, exhilaration, stupefaction or dulling of the senses or nervous system, smell or inhale the fumes from any model glue or cement, hair spray, inhalers and other solvents or chemicals having the property of releasing toxic vapors; however, this section shall not apply to the inhalation of any medicine or anesthesia for medical or dental purposes. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
It shall be unlawful for any person to expose any poison or poisonous meat, or any poisonous substance in any place in the City outside of his own residence, or where it may endanger life by being taken and used by any person, or to so expose any such poison or poisonous substance where it may be taken by any dog, hog, cat or other animal or living thing in the City. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
A. Accosting: It shall be unlawful for any person to at any time or place in the City accost any other person with uninvited and offensive, improper proposals or attentions, or who shall, by his improper conversation or conduct, annoy or hinder any other person in the ordinary and proper conduct of their affairs.
B. Disturbing The Peace Or Quiet: It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace, quiet or good order of, or to disrupt, or to aid in disrupting, any person, school, church, assembly, place or meeting, public or private by any of the following acts:
1. By an act of violence or by any act likely to produce violence.
2. By causing, provoking or engaging in any fight, brawl, or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health or property of another.
3. By engaging in threatening behavior.
4. By making any unreasonably loud noise by any means including the blowing of horns, ringing of bells, squealing of tires and use of electronic devices.
5. By addressing any language or threats to any person present which creates a clear and present danger of violence.
6. By assembling or congregating with others in such a manner and for the purpose of preventing or interfering with another's pursuit of a lawful occupation, public duty or the ordinary conduct of a business, private or public.
Nothing herein contained shall be held to prohibit peaceful picketing, public speaking, the ordinary conduct of a legitimate business, or other lawful expressions of opinion not in contravention of the laws. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
A. Any building, room or place within the corporate limits of the city, where gaming or gambling of any kind is allowed or carried on, all houses or places of ill fame, or where persons resort for the purpose of prostitution or places resorted to for the use of any illegal drugs, or places where prescription drugs are illegally kept, sold or given away, are hereby declared disorderly houses and prohibited, and shall be suppressed, and the keepers and inmates and solicitors thereof punished as hereinafter provided.
B. Any building, room or place within the city where intoxicating liquor or beer is illegally kept, sold or given away is hereby declared to be a wrongful drinking establishment and prohibited, and shall be suppressed and the keepers and inmates and solicitors thereof punished as hereinafter provided in subsection D of this section.
C. Any person found in any building, room, or place as defined in subsection A or B of this section, resorting thereto, shall be considered an inmate thereof within the meaning of subsection D of this section, and their presence in any such building, room or place at any hour of the day or night, shall be prima facie evidence that they are inmates; all persons who knowing the character and reputation of such places, transport others to or from any building, room or place shall be considered a solicitor thereof, and shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and punished as provided in subsection 1-3-2C of this code. Each violation of the provisions hereof shall be and constitute a separate offense.
D. If any person shall be guilty of keeping or maintaining a building, room, or place as described in subsection A or B of this section, shall be an inmate thereof, or in any way connected with, or in any way contribute to the support of, or knowingly own or be interested as proprietor or landlord in any such building, room, or place, he shall be guilty of a municipal infraction as set forth in subsection 1-3-2C of this code. Each violation of the provisions hereof shall be and constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
A. Discharge Of Firearms:
1. No person shall discharge any firearm within the city, except peace officers in the line of duty or peace officers using a police target range, airport, or animal control employees of the city acting in the scope of their employment for wildlife control; however, the city council may, upon written application, grant annual permits to groups, organizations or individuals approved by the city council, allowing the permittees to conduct trapshoots, skeet shoots or rifle ranges in certain areas designated by the permit and under conditions that will in no way endanger persons or property, and under the supervision of the permittee. Persons discharging firearms upon the areas designated in the permit and while under the supervision of a permittee shall not be subject to the terms of this section. The city council may revoke its permit at any time at its discretion, where discharge of firearms under a permit, in its opinion, constitutes a nuisance or in any way endangers persons or property. (Ord. 5306, 9-28-2015)
2. Subsection A1 of this section shall not apply to the discharge of pistols and shotguns in the course of hunting game on land devoted to agricultural use, containing forty (40) acres or more, and not closer than two hundred (200) yards to any building inhabited by people or domestic livestock unless the owner or tenant has given consent and under conditions that will in no way endanger persons or property.
3. No shotgun slugs shall be discharged within the city, except by airport employees of the city acting in the scope of their employment for wildlife control. (Ord. 5220, 6-2-2014)
B. Discharging And Possessing Air Rifles And Similar Devices; Exception:
1. No person shall discharge or carry on or about his person or in a vehicle, any air rifles, pellet guns, slingshots, or similar devices capable of discharging any leaden or other dangerous missile or substance within the city, except peace officers in the line of duty. However, it shall be lawful to carry one or more unloaded air rifles, pellet guns, slingshots or similar devices if the unloaded weapon is carried in a gun case or closed container which is too large to be effectively concealed on the person or within the clothing of an individual. (Ord. 4912, 6-16-2008)
2. Subsection B1 of this section shall not apply to licensed bow hunters engaged in deer hunting from the second Monday in October to January 10 of the following year in the Leonard Katoski Greenbelt Park, on other city property as may be authorized by city officials from time to time, or on private property, as allowed by the Iowa department of natural resources under its special deer management zone procedures. During October hunting shall only be allowed during weekday mornings until twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. However, no bow may be displayed within six hundred feet (600') of any residence without the permission of the property owner, or on city property except as stated above, or within seventy five feet (75') of any bike trail, nature trail, other recreational facility or any other area posted as a no hunting area. (Ord. 5071, 9-6-2011)
3. Subsection B1 of this section shall not apply to a public health technician, who is in possession of a fur harvester license and under the oversight of a health officer, from May 1 until October 1 each year. The public health technician may use a pellet rifle to control burrowing animals only on the city of Waterloo flood dike system.
4. Subsection B1 of this section shall not apply to any person with a valid fishing license engaged in fishing with the use of a bow and arrow during time periods permitted by state law, provided that the following restrictions are complied with:
a. The arrow must be constructed of a solid shaft and equipped with a heavy fishing point. Arrows designed for flight through the air are not permitted;
b. The arrow shall be tethered to a line or cord no more than twenty feet (20') in length and having a test strength greater than or equal to a fifty (50) pound test line;
c. The bow used to propel the arrow must be one that is hand pulled and hand released. Crossbows and draw locking mechanisms are prohibited;
d. Any person bow fishing shall always shoot the tethered arrow directly into the water;
e. Fish, once taken, shall not be returned to any waters, nor shall fish of any kind be left on the banks of any waters or any public or private property;
f. Persons shall not bow fish within three hundred feet (300') of a dwelling house, place of business, or other structure likely to be occupied by people, any boat dock, pier, or restricted or residential areas, or the outside limits of any marked or designated swimming area;
g. All bow fishing must take place from a boat. Bow fishing is not allowed from the bank, any boat dock, or while wading;
h. Persons under the age of fifteen (15) shall be accompanied by a person of legal age. (Ord. 4912, 6-16-2008)
A. No person shall use or employ upon or over the streets or alleys, or in any public park or outdoor public meeting place within the city, nor on or near the exterior of any private dwellings, business buildings or other structures within the city, nor upon any vacant lot, any amplifiers, loudspeakers or any other similar device, which shall in any degree or to any extent magnify the human voice or any other sound, without first obtaining a permit therefor.
B. Permits required by subsection A of this section may be issued by the mayor, upon approval by the city council and within their discretion, upon application, but, if issued, the permit shall be issued without charge. The permit, if issued, shall be for a specified time, but in no event for longer than one year, and shall embrace only a particular use or type of use, and shall be subject to revocation at any time.
C. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as in any way limiting the use of any amplifier, loudspeaker or other similar device within any theater, auditorium, schoolhouse or any other fully enclosed structure within the city, and nothing contained in this section shall be considered as a bar to the abatement of any common law nuisance. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
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It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate in or on any public or common property (including, but not limited to, streets, alleys, sidewalks, golf courses, pools or parks, excluding a public restroom) or to urinate in a place where the person could reasonably expect to be viewed by members of the public. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)