5-2-1: Offenses Involving Officials
5-2-2: Sniffing Glue And Other Chemical Substances
5-2-3: Exposing Poisonous Substances
5-2-4: Disorderly Conduct
5-2-5: Disorderly Houses; Wrongful Drinking Establishments
5-2-6: Discharging Weapons
5-2-7: Amplifiers, Loudspeakers And Similar Devices
5-2-8: Peeping
5-2-9: Urinating In Public
5-2-10: Trespassing
5-2-11: Vehicles On Flood Control Levees
5-2-12: Drug Paraphernalia
5-2-13: Fireworks
5-2-14: Pedestrian Safety; Use Of Medians
   A.   Resisting Police Officer: No person shall resist any police officer in the discharge of his duties.
   B.   Interference With Peace Officers: No person shall interfere with any peace officer in the discharge of his duties by preventing, or attempting to prevent, delay or hinder him in the discharge of his duties.
   C.   Impersonating Police Officer: No person shall falsely masquerade as, falsely hold himself out as, or falsely represent himself to be a police officer of the City.
   D.   Misrepresentation To Gain Entrance To Premises: If any person shall gain entrance to any house, home, store or other structure within the City through or by reason of falsely representing himself as a City employee, with proper authority to gain entry, he shall be guilty of a Municipal infraction and punished as provided in subsection 1-3-2C of this Code. Each violation of the provisions hereof shall be and constitutes a separate offense. (Rev. Ord. 1168, Comp. 1941, p. P-4)
No person shall, for the purpose of causing a condition of intoxication, euphoria, excitement, exhilaration, stupefaction or dulling of the senses or nervous system, smell or inhale the fumes from any model glue or cement, hair spray, inhalers and other solvents or chemicals having the property of releasing toxic vapors; however, this section shall not apply to the inhalation of any medicine or anesthesia for medical or dental purposes. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
It shall be unlawful for any person to expose any poison or poisonous meat, or any poisonous substance in any place in the City outside of his own residence, or where it may endanger life by being taken and used by any person, or to so expose any such poison or poisonous substance where it may be taken by any dog, hog, cat or other animal or living thing in the City. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)
   A.   Accosting: It shall be unlawful for any person to at any time or place in the City accost any other person with uninvited and offensive, improper proposals or attentions, or who shall, by his improper conversation or conduct, annoy or hinder any other person in the ordinary and proper conduct of their affairs.
   B.   Disturbing The Peace Or Quiet: It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace, quiet or good order of, or to disrupt, or to aid in disrupting, any person, school, church, assembly, place or meeting, public or private by any of the following acts:
      1.   By an act of violence or by any act likely to produce violence.
      2.   By causing, provoking or engaging in any fight, brawl, or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health or property of another.
      3.   By engaging in threatening behavior.
      4.   By making any unreasonably loud noise by any means including the blowing of horns, ringing of bells, squealing of tires and use of electronic devices.
      5.   By addressing any language or threats to any person present which creates a clear and present danger of violence.
      6.   By assembling or congregating with others in such a manner and for the purpose of preventing or interfering with another's pursuit of a lawful occupation, public duty or the ordinary conduct of a business, private or public.
Nothing herein contained shall be held to prohibit peaceful picketing, public speaking, the ordinary conduct of a legitimate business, or other lawful expressions of opinion not in contravention of the laws. (Ord. 4292, 4-27-1998)