AUTOMATED TRAFFIC CITATION: Shall mean a notice of fine generated in connection with section 6-1-4 of this Code.
CHRONIC NUISANCE VEHICLE: Any vehicle that has generated three (3) or more automated traffic citations and/or officer traffic citations in any period less than twelve (12) months for traffic violations.
OFFICER TRAFFIC CITATION: Shall mean a notice of fine generated in connection with section 6-1-5 of this Code.
VEHICLE OWNER: Shall mean the person or entity identified by the Iowa Department of Transportation, or registered with any other state vehicle registration office, as the registered owner of a vehicle. (Ord. 5488, 3-11-2019)
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a systematic procedure for effectively abating the operation of vehicles that negatively impact the safety upon the roadways in the City of Waterloo. The manner in which these vehicles are being driven tends to place an undue and inappropriate burden upon the taxpayers in the City of Waterloo by the frequent and chronic use of law enforcement and fire rescue services due to the response to accidents caused by this driving behavior. (Ord. 5488, 3-11-2019)