A. Contiguous Disease Refuse: The removal of clothing, bedding or other refuse from homes or other places where highly infectious diseases have prevailed shall be performed under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician and health authority. Such refuse shall not be placed in containers for city collection.
B. Hypodermic Instruments: No person shall dispose of or discard any hypodermic syringe, hypodermic needle or any instrument or device for making hypodermic injections before first breaking, disassembling, destroying or otherwise rendering inoperable and incapable of reuse such hypodermic syringe, needle, instrument or device, and without safeguarding the disposal thereof by wrapping or securing same in a suitable manner so as to avoid the possibility of causing injury to the collection personnel.
C. Ashes: Ashes that are to be hauled by the city must have been wetted and cool to the touch prior to collection. Ashes shall be placed in suitable containers of such size and weight that they can be handled by one person.
D. Cardboard Boxes And Cartons: Prior to depositing refuse for collection in authorized containers or receptacles or in commercial containers, the person disposing of any such boxes or cartons or the person in charge of the premises shall collapse all cardboard boxes, cartons and crates. (Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
The city shall provide, to every premises within the corporate limits of the city, disposal service for garbage, refuse, recycling materials and yard waste, with the following exceptions:
A. Business establishments shall have a private licensed collector remove garbage and refuse.
B. Multiple dwellings shall have a private licensed collector remove garbage and refuse.
C. Hazardous materials shall not be accepted for disposal by the city or private haulers licensed under this chapter.
D. The city shall not provide collection and disposal of recycling materials or yard waste for multiple dwellings or business establishments as defined in section 4-3-1, but the occupants of multiple dwellings may dispose of recycling materials and yard waste at drop-off sites maintained by the city for that purpose. (Ord. 4943, 6-15-2009; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. Containers: Except as set forth in this chapter, the specific requirements for the number and type of containers, placement of items for collection, size of containers, weight of containers or items placed out for collection, and other rules, regulations and policies for solid waste collection shall be as set forth in the administrative policy, organization and procedures prepared by the public works manager and adopted by resolution of the city council.
B. Containers Required: It shall be required of every person in possession, charge or control of any place in or from which building materials, business trash, garbage, household trash, industrial waste, recycling materials, tree and shrubbery trimmings and yard trash is accumulated or produced to provide and at all times to keep in a suitable place, adequate and suitable receptacles and containers capable of holding all such waste materials which would ordinarily accumulate between the times of successive collections. For customers of disposal services provided by the city, only containers provided by the city shall be used. A customer of city disposal services shall not alter any container, use it for any purpose other than its intended use, or move it to a different address.
C. Container Specifications And Replacement: Containers other than those provided by the city shall be of safe construction and design. All containers shall be maintained in good and serviceable condition at all times. Any receptacles or containers which do not conform to the provisions of this chapter or which have ragged or sharp edges or any other defects likely to hamper or injure the person collecting the contents thereof, or public, or likely to cause spillage of contents, shall be promptly replaced upon notice. If said containers, after proper notice, have not been replaced, the public works department shall have the authority to order their replacement. After initial delivery of a container by the city or its contractor, if a new container is delivered, or an existing container is removed or exchanged, for reasons other than damage or loss caused by city or its collection contractor, the customer shall pay a fee as set forth in the solid waste fee schedule. A customer shall also be liable for the cost of a new container if the container is destroyed or otherwise rendered unsuitable for continued use by the customer or anyone for whom the customer is responsible.
D. Loading And Unloading Areas: All loading and unloading areas shall be provided with refuse receptacles for loose debris, paper, packaging materials and other trash. The number of containers necessary for each area shall be as required to maintain clean, neat and sanitary premises as directed by the public works department.
E. Points Of Collection: Containers for refuse, recycling materials and yard waste shall be placed for collection at ground level within three (3) feet of the curb or alley line and with unobstructed access for automated equipment. No collection shall occur where containers cannot be reached by collection equipment or by collection personnel without unlocking or opening a door, gate or any similar obstacle, encountering a dog, or otherwise being denied reasonable access by parked vehicles, yard tools and equipment, or other similar objects. Any container not properly placed for collection will not be emptied, and a return visit to the property to empty a container at customer request shall incur a fee as set forth in the solid waste fee schedule. The public works department shall have the authority to determine the proper receptacle or container location on private property.
F. Recycling Materials And Yard Wastes:
1. Recycling materials and yard waste shall each be separated from all other wastes by the owner, occupant or agent of all premises in the city. Specific requirements for disposal shall be as set forth in this chapter and the administrative policies referred to in subsection A of this section.
2. Recycling materials and yard waste shall be disposed of in containers provided by the city specifically for that purpose. Disposal of recycling materials or yard waste for city pick up in other containers shall be prohibited.
G. Authorized Collectors: No person other than the agents of the city or persons so authorized by it pursuant to article A of this chapter shall collect or transport garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste through or upon the streets or alleys of the city.
H. Securing Accumulations; Removal Of Same By Private Collectors: Any multiple dwelling and any business shall have garbage and refuse collected by a private licensed collector and may have recycling materials or yard waste hauled by a private licensed collector. This shall not preclude the provisions of subsection F1 of this section. All containers for collection of the garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste of any multiple dwelling or any business shall be securely fastened in a closed position at all times, except when the container is opened for depositing additional accumulations or when the container is being emptied by a private licensed collector. No person other than the owner of the premises, its authorized agents, or a private licensed collector may remove garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste fromany container intended for collection of same.
I. Disposition Areas Established By City Council: Disposition of garbage, refuse, recycling materials and yard waste shall be in areas designated by the council. Disposition of solid construction rubble such as concrete, brick, stone, sand or dirt, shall be in areas approved by the city as set forth in article B of this chapter.
J. Vehicle Requirements: Any person, including, but not limited to, employees or contractors of the city, hauling trash, refuse, garbage, offal or other offensive substances in a vehicle of any kind over the streets of the city, shall equip the vehicle with a suitable cover of durable material and shall keep such cover over the load carrying portion of the vehicle at all times, as necessary to prevent waste material from escaping. The cover shall be of sufficient size to fully cover any refuse being carried in the vehicle and to keep the refuse in place on such vehicle. The vehicle shall be so constructed that no drippings or seepings from any refuse carried therein can escape from the vehicle. If any of the material falls off or blows off or out of the vehicle, the person hauling the same shall promptly clean up all of such materials.
K. Suspension Of Recycling Service: Collection of recycling materials may be suspended or delayed if the city or its contractor is unable to collect or process recycling materials due to mechanical failures, significant weather events, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the city or its contractor. In addition, the city may elect to suspend collection service to a particular customer in the event of a delinquent account, repeated mixing of excluded materials with recycling materials, or other cause as determined by the public works manager or designee in the exercise of his or her reasonable discretion. (Ord. 4482, 5-29-2001; amd. Ord. 4943, 6-15-2009; Ord. 5075, 9-19-2011;Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. Fees Established: The expense of solid waste disposal services as determined by the city council shall become a charge against the owner or occupant of every dwelling unit to whom service is made available. Fees for the services described below shall be set forth in the solid waste fee schedule.
1. Disposal Of Garbage: A fixed sum per month shall be charged to all dwelling units and shall entitle each customer to dispose of one (1) standard garbage container per week on an automated garbage route. A fee shall be charged for one (1) additional thirty (30) gallon plastic bag placed upon the lid of the garbage cart per week. The fee shall be collected by requiring the purchase of a tag that must be affixed to the plastic bag placed out for disposal. The fee or charge for this tag shall be as set forth in the solid waste fee schedule.
2. Disposal Of Yard Waste: A fixed sum per month shall be charged to each customer participating in the voluntary yard waste disposal program and shall entitle the customer to dispose of a standard container of yard waste according to the ordinary collection schedule. Yard waste shall be collected from mid-April through November each year, during at least eighteen (18) weeks as scheduled each year. There is no yard waste collection December through March. Schedules shall be mailed to voluntary subscribers each December for the next year’s service.
3. Disposal Of Recycling Materials: A fixed sum per month shall be charged to each customer participating in the voluntary recycling program and shall entitle the customer to dispose of a standard container of recycling material on a bi-weekly basis.
4. Collection Sites: All customers will be charged a fee, as set forth in the solid waste fee schedule, for operation of yard waste and satellite recycling sites maintained by the city, whether or not the customer is participating in a voluntary recycling or yard waste collection program.
5. Bulk Item Collection Services: Curbside collection of up to ten (10) large, bulky refuse items, such as tires, appliances, furniture, bedding, etc., can be scheduled on a specific work order form available at the public works department. No yard waste, hazardous waste, recycling materials or garbage shall be collected. The fee or charge for this service shall be as set forth in the solid waste fee schedule. Fabric covered items such as couches, chairs or mattresses shall be wrapped in plastic to prevent the spread of any possible insect infestation.
Special environmentally restricted waste bulk items: Refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, tires, etc., must be disposed of by the city at a state licensed decertification business or a licensed tire recycling business. All tags must be purchased from the city for those items to be picked up by the city.
B. Exemptions: An individual may be granted a partial exemption to the fees and costs for garbage and refuse collection set forth in subsection A of this section by annually making application to the city clerk and by meeting criteria established by the finance committee of the city council. The exemption shall be on a calendar year basis.
C. Delinquent Charges: There shall be assessed a one-time penalty of five percent (5%) if the bill for solid waste disposal service is not paid at the time indicated on the bill.
D. Change In Fees: The city may change and adjust the solid waste disposal schedule from time to time by resolution of the city council as it becomes necessary to be sufficient in each year for the payment of expenses of operation and for repair, maintenance and replacement of solid waste disposal equipment.
E. Collection Of Fees:
1. The municipal waterworks office is hereby authorized and directed to render and collect fees or service charges for disposal services in accordance with the fees established in subsection A of this section. The charge shall be collected with the consumer's regular monthly and/or quarterly water and sewer bill, and shall be shown as a separate item on the bill. The owner or manager of a dwelling unit who provides and pays for the water and sewer consumption charges of his tenants shall also be responsible and pay for the garbage and refuse service charges of his tenants. Collection policies shall be the same as the other city utility services.
When a fee is six (6) months delinquent, the unpaid fee for city solid waste disposal services shall be assessed against the property benefitted, as provided for under Iowa Code section 384.84(3). Amounts collected for solid waste disposal services shall be deposited with the city.
2. It shall be at the discretion of the municipal waterworks office to decide on vacancies and partial use of dwelling units in connection with monthly and/or quarterly billing amounts pertaining to solid waste collections. (Ord. 3705, 4-2-1990; amd. Ord. 4129, 9-18-1995; 2001 Code; Ord. 4640, 9-2-2003; Ord. 4687, 4-19-2004; Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. Disposal On Public Property: It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste in any location within the city unless such refuse be deposited as provided in this chapter.
B. Unlawful To Permit Hazardous Accumulations: It shall be unlawful for any person to permit accumulation on any premises, improved or vacant, or any public place in the city, of any quantities of garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste, whether in containers or not, that shall, in the opinion of code enforcement, constitute a health or sanitation hazard or nuisance. Any quantity of garbage, refuse, recycling materials or yard waste in a container that exceeds the capacity of the container when closed shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be subject to abatement as provided in this chapter.
C. Rubbish And Trash Near Buildings:
1. Accumulation And Burning: Any person who shall throw, deposit or place in or about any building or cellar or in or upon any street or alley or allow to remain in such building or cellar or upon any such street or alley, any solid waste of any kind or character whatsoever, shall be deemed guilty of an offense. Solid waste which has been thrown, deposited or placed in or about any building or cellar, street, or alley in the city, or which has accumulated in such places, including such waste materials as are placed in an appropriate container and exceed the capacity of the container when closed, shall be deemed a nuisance and may be abated. All open burning of solid waste shall be prohibited.
2. Burning Tires: Any tire fires on any property shall be presumed to be set by the property owner, or if said property owner does not reside there, the occupant of the property. It shall be the sole responsibility of the property owner or occupant to report who was responsible for the fire if said fire was not set by said owner or occupant.
D. Excluded Waste: It shall be a violation for any customer of the voluntary disposal program for recycling materials to place any excluded waste in the recycling container. If a container is found to contain excluded waste at the time of collection, the container will not be emptied until the next scheduled collection date when the excluded waste has been removed. (Ord. 4943, 6-15-2009; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. The city, in burning trees, tree trimmings, or the like generated by the forestry department, street department, or other city departments in their normal course of work or resulting from a natural disaster declared as such by the city council, shall not be subject to the burning ban stated in subsection 4-3-7C1 of this chapter. For purposes of this subsection, "trees" means all parts of a tree or shrub, including, but not limited to, trunks, limbs, branches, stumps, and roots or root masses.
B. The city council shall have the authority, consistent with this section, to grant exceptions to the ban on open burning and to allow the burning of certain vegetative matter and solid wastes under special limited conditions. An application for exception must be filed with the city clerk's office, reviewed by the fire department (which may consult with the leisure services and public works departments when appropriate), and forwarded to the city council for approval. An exception may be granted in cases when burning of native vegetation is a recognized management technique.
C. Said application must contain the following information and any other information deemed appropriate by the city:
1. Name of applicant;
2. Address and telephone number of applicant;
3. Location and size of area to be burned;
4. Dates and times of burning;
5. Description of vegetation;
6. Description of management technique; and
7. Containment procedures.
A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) must be filed with the application. In addition to the application fee, the fire department shall charge for standby services and extinguishment of intentionally set fires as contained in section 9-2A-12 of this code.
D. The fire department will determine for each exception whether:
1. Atmospheric conditions are proper to allow the burning;
2. Applicable provisions of state law or regulation are complied with; and
3. Standby vehicles are needed to ensure the safety of life and property adjacent to the site.
E. Any individual who claims to be adversely affected by allowance of the exception may file a statement with the city clerk containing information to support the claim. If the city council finds that sufficient controversy exists regarding such application, a public hearing may be held.
F. In determining whether to grant or deny the application, the city council shall balance the following: hardship to the applicant, the community and other persons resulting from the denial of the exception against the adverse impact on the health, safety and welfare of persons affected, the adverse impact on property affected, and any other adverse impacts of granting the exception. Applicants for exceptions and persons contesting exceptions may be required to submit any information/document reasonably required by the city council. In granting or denying an application, the city council shall place on public file a copy of the decision and the reasons for denying or granting the exception.
G. Exceptions shall be granted by notice to the applicant containing all necessary conditions, including a time limit on the permitted activity. Any exception shall not become effective until all conditions are agreed to in writing by the applicant. Noncompliance with any condition of the exception may result in termination of the grant of exception.
H. Applications for exceptions shall be treated as an application for an initial exception.
I. Exceptions must be filed for each occurrence.
J. Appeals of an adverse decision of the city council shall be made to the district court in and for Black Hawk County. Review of the court shall be de novo limited to whether or not the decision is supported by substantial evidence. (Ord. 4829, 8-14-2006; amd. Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)