All terminology used in this chapter, not defined below, shall be in conformance with the applicable publications of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or its successor body:
A-WEIGHTED SOUND LEVEL: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted network. The level so read is designated dB(A) or dBA.
COMMERCIAL AREA: A commercial area as defined in Waterloo Zoning Ordinance 2479, as amended.
DECIBEL (dB): A unit for measuring the volume of a sound equal to twenty (20) times the logarithm to the base ten (10) of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is twenty (20) micropascals (20 micronewtons per square meter).
GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING (GVWR): The value specified by the manufacturer as the recommended maximum loaded weight of a single motor vehicle. In cases where trailers and tractors are separable the gross combination weight rating (GCWR), which is the value specified by the manufacturer as the recommended maximum loaded weight of the combination vehicle, shall be used.
INDUSTRIAL AREA: An industrial area as defined in Waterloo Zoning Ordinance 2479, as amended.
MOTOR BOAT: Any vessel which operates on water and which is propelled by a motor, including, but not limited to, boats, barges, amphibious craft, water ski towing devices and hovercraft.
MOTOR CARRIER VEHICLE ENGAGED IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE: Any vehicle for which regulations apply pursuant to section 18 of the Federal Noise Control Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-574) as amended, pertaining to motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce.
MOTOR VEHICLE: Any vehicle which is propelled or drawn on land by a motor, such as, but not limited to, passenger cars, trucks, truck-trailers, semitrailers, amphibious craft of land, dune buggies or racing vehicles, but not including motorcycles.
MOTORCYCLES: An unenclosed motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the operator and two (2) or three (3) wheels in contact with the ground, including, but not limited to, motor scooters, minibikes and mopeds.
MUFFLER OR SOUND DISSIPATIVE DEVICE: A device for abating the sound of escaping gases of an internal combustion engine.
NOISE: An oscillation in the pressure, particle displacement velocity or other physical parameter, in a medium with internal forces that causes compression and rarefaction of that medium. The description of noise may include any characteristic of such noise, including duration, intensity and frequency.
NOISE DISTURBANCE: Any sound which endangers or injures the safety or health of humans or animals, or annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities, or endangers or injures personal or real property.
NOISE LEVEL: The weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a sound level meter and frequency weighting network, such as A, B or C as specified in American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI SL. 4-1971, or the latest approved revision thereof). If the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting shall apply. Refer to Table I and Table II for maximum noise levels allowed within the city 1 .
NOISE LEVEL METER: An instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, network and output device used to measure pressure levels.
NOISE SENSITIVE ZONE: Any area designated by the city council as an area requiring exceptional quiet.
PERSON: Any individual, association, partnership or corporation, and includes any officer, employee, department, agency or instrumentality of a state or any political subdivision of a state.
POWERED MODEL VEHICLE: Any self-propelled airborne, waterborne or landborne plane, vessel or vehicle which is not designed to carry persons, including, but not limited to, any model airplane, boat, car or rocket.
REAL PROPERTY BOUNDARY: An imaginary line along the ground surface and its vertical extension, which separates the real property owned by one person from that owned by another person, but not including intrabuilding real property divisions.
RESIDENTIAL AREA: A residential area as defined in Waterloo Zoning Ordinance 2479, as amended.
VIBRATION: An oscillatory motion of solid bodies of deterministic or random nature described by displacement, velocity or acceleration with respect to a given reference point. (Ord. 3094, 8-4-1980)
1 |
Vehicle Class
45 mph Or Less
Over 45 mph
Interstate + 10,000 lb. GCWR | 86 dBA | 90 dBA |
Other + 10,000 lb. GCWR | 86 dBA | 90 dBA |
Motorcycle | 80 dBA | 84 dBA |
All other vehicles | 74 dBA | 80 dBA |
All measurements in this table are maximum noise levels acceptable, and any noise in excess of the dBAs in this table shall be considered a violation.
All measurements are made at a minimum measurement of twenty five feet (25') from the curb.
All measurements are to be taken at least one hundred feet (100') from any intersection.
Zone |
Day (7:00 A.M.– 11:00 P.M.)
Night (11:00 P.M.– 7:00 A.M.)
Residential | 80 dBA | 55 dBA |
Commercial | 80 dBA | 60 dBA |
Industrial | 82 dBA | 75 dBA |
All measurements in this table are maximum noise levels acceptable, and any noise in excess of the dBAs in this table shall be considered a violation.
All measurements are to be taken at the nearest lot line but not less than twenty five feet (25') from the noise source. (Ord. 3094, 8-4-1980)