4-3-1: Definitions
4-3-2: Administration
4-3-3: Special Refuse Disposal
4-3-4: Disposal Services Provided; Exceptions
4-3-5: Collection Rules And Regulations
4-3-6: Fees For Service
4-3-7: Prohibited Acts And Conditions
4-3-8: Special Exceptions To Burning Ban
4-3-9: Violation; Penalty
4-3-10: Notice Regarding Nuisance
4-3-11: Payment, Assessment Of Costs, Appeal
For the purposes of this chapter:
BUSINESS: Each separate establishment for carrying on any profit-seeking, institutional, religious, governmental or nonresidential activity or enterprise, other than a “home occupation” as defined in section 10-3-1 of the zoning ordinance.
DWELLING UNITS: Each household unit occupied by a single family.
EXCLUDED WASTE: Solid waste designated by the city as not appropriate for recycling, including but not limited to hazardous materials, garbage, refuse, yard waste, special waste, and other materials or waste identified in rules and regulations established by the public works manager or designee and approved by resolution of the city council.
GARBAGE: All solid and semisolid putrescible animal, grain, fruit, or vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparing, cooking, storing, serving, and consuming of food or of material intended for use as food.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Any hazardous waste or hazardous substance regulated by article C of this chapter, including but not limited to materials that are hazardous, radioactive, volatile, corrosive, highly flammable, explosive, biomedical, infectious, biohazardous, toxic or listed or characteristic hazardous waste as defined by applicable law or otherwise regulated.
MULTIPLE DWELLING: A building or complex consisting of more than four (4) dwelling units.
PERSON: Each individual, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity, or any employee or agent thereof.
PREMISES: The property occupied by a separate family or business unit, whether or not the same be separately owned.
RECYCLING: Any process by which certain solid waste is collected, separated, and processed or returned to use in the form of raw materials or products.
RECYCLING MATERIALS: Solid waste designated by the city as appropriate for recycling, such as newsprint, magazines, catalogs, cardboard, metal cans, and plastic containers, as set forth in the rules and regulations established by the public works manager or designee and approved by resolution of the city council.
REFUSE: Putrescible and non-putrescible solid and semisolid wastes that are not "hazardous materials", "garbage", “recycling materials” or "yard waste" as defined in this section, including, but not limited to, trash, rubbish, wood that is not yard waste, glass, ashes, incinerator ash or residue, street cleanings, market and industrial solid wastes, and building materials.
SOLID WASTE: Any garbage, rubbish, refuse, recycling materials, yard waste, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial, municipal, commercial, construction, mining or agricultural operations, and residential, community and institutional activities.
SOLID WASTE FEE SCHEDULE: A schedule of fees, costs and charges, as adopted and modified from time to time by resolution of the city council, that are chargeable to customers in connection with the solid waste collection and disposal program provided for in this chapter.
YARD WASTE: Vegetative wastes resulting from the care and maintenance of residential yards, flowerbeds, and gardens, including, but not limited to, grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, bark, garden waste, brush and small twigs, and branches not exceeding two and one-half inches (21/2") in diameter and three and one-half feet (31/2') in length. Yard waste shall not include the following:
A. Tree stumps, tree roots, trunks, logs, and branches that are more than two and one-half inches (21/2") in diameter or three and one-half feet (31/2') in length.
B. Material meeting the definition of "garbage" or "refuse" as provided in this section.
C. Flower and decorative products manufactured or fabricated, or the waste byproducts incidental to their manufacture or fabrication, which include organic materials and other nonorganic wastes which are not practically separable. Examples of this exemption include, but are not limited to, things such as flower arrangements, decorated potted plants, wreaths, bouquets, garlands, and small bedding flats.
D. Metal, plastic, rock, dirt, wire, fencing, weed barriers or other underlayment, bordering materials, stone, brick, masonry, or other inorganic material. (Ord. 4829, 8-14-2006; amd. Ord. 5075, 9-19-2011; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. Oversight: The public works department shall have the duty and responsibility of overseeing the collection of garbage, refuse, recycling materials and yard waste within the corporate limits of the city and see that all garbage, refuse, recycling materials and yard waste is disposed of in a sanitary manner, whether by the city, by contracted entities or by private persons, in order to protect the health of the citizens thereof.
B. Collection: The city council shall, from time to time by resolution, provide such other policies, rules and regulations in addition to the provisions of this chapter as may be deemed necessary for the collection of garbage, refuse, recycling materials and yard waste by and in the city. (Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)
A. Contiguous Disease Refuse: The removal of clothing, bedding or other refuse from homes or other places where highly infectious diseases have prevailed shall be performed under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician and health authority. Such refuse shall not be placed in containers for city collection.
B. Hypodermic Instruments: No person shall dispose of or discard any hypodermic syringe, hypodermic needle or any instrument or device for making hypodermic injections before first breaking, disassembling, destroying or otherwise rendering inoperable and incapable of reuse such hypodermic syringe, needle, instrument or device, and without safeguarding the disposal thereof by wrapping or securing same in a suitable manner so as to avoid the possibility of causing injury to the collection personnel.
C. Ashes: Ashes that are to be hauled by the city must have been wetted and cool to the touch prior to collection. Ashes shall be placed in suitable containers of such size and weight that they can be handled by one person.
D. Cardboard Boxes And Cartons: Prior to depositing refuse for collection in authorized containers or receptacles or in commercial containers, the person disposing of any such boxes or cartons or the person in charge of the premises shall collapse all cardboard boxes, cartons and crates. (Ord. 5203, 3-3-2014; amd. Ord. 5521, 11-4-2019)