General Provisions
32.01 Disposition of premium paid for bonds
32.02 Sinking funds
32.03 Writing off certain receivables
32.15 Rate bill; warrant for collection
32.16 Abatement of taxes for low and moderate income housing
32.17 Payment of motor vehicle taxes and other tax bills under $50
32.18 Property tax exemptions for solar energy systems
32.19 Exemption of real and personal property acquired by certain tax-exempt institutions
32.20 Notice to pay taxes
32.21 Specific penalties regarding the failure to pay taxes
32.22 Tax Collector function
32.23 Demand and levy for the collection of taxes
32.24 Legal actions pertaining to real estate taxes
32.25 Fees and costs payable to the city in legal actions pertaining to the collection of taxes
32.26 Joint administration of the Enterprise Fund collections pertaining to water and sewer services
32.27 Applicability of Chapters 38 and 39 of the Code of Ordinances to the procurement and ethical standards applicable to marshals, constables, special constables, collection agencies and other vendors pertaining to the collection of taxes
32.28 Urban Rehabilitation Home Ownership Program tax deferral
32.29 Tax exemptions for co-generation systems
Budget and Finance Procedures
32.40 Limitations pertaining to budget transfers
Charter reference:
Financial departments and agencies, see Charter Ch. 7, Part C
Fiscal provisions generally, see Charter Chs. 9 and 10
Powers of Board of Aldermen related to finances, see Charter § 3A-2
Taxation, see Charter Ch. 1, Part B, § 2A-2