General Provisions
131.01 Definitions
Litter and Dumping
131.15 Littering upon public property or another person's private property
131.16 Dumping upon public property or another person's private property; investigation by Police Department; findings by the Mayor
131.17 Failure to remove materials; right of entry by the city
131.18 Inapplicability of §§ 131.15 through 131.17 to corporations taxed as public service company under the state general statutes
131.19 Necessary findings precedent to order to remove
131.30 Prohibited acts
131.31 Violations and penalties
131.32 Rewards
131.45 Clearing of litter deemed dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare
Citation Procedures
131.60 Citation appeals procedures
131.99 Penalty
Parks; littering prohibited, see § 98.18