The determinations of the Director of Purchasing required by the following sections are final and conclusive:
(A) Section 38.069(D) (Contracts: Sale, Lease or Rental of City Property);
(B) Section 38.021(F) (Competitive Sealed Bidding — Correction or Withdrawal of Bids; Cancellation of Awards);
(C) Section 38.022(A) (Competitive Sealed Proposals — Conditions for Use);
(D) Section 38.022(H) (Competitive Sealed Proposals — Award);
(E) Section 38.023 (Requests for Qualifications);
(F) Section 38.024 (Recurring Procurements);
(G) Section 38.025 (Small Purchases);
(H) Section 38.026 (Sole Source Procurement);
(I) Section 38.027 (Procurements Pertaining to Public Emergencies);
(J) Section 38.028 (Waiver of Bid or Proposal Requirements);
(K) Section 38.029 (Exempt Services);
(L) Section 38.032 (Federal and State Procurement Standards);
(M) Section 38.046(A) (Responsibility of Bidders and Offerors — Determination of Nonresponsibility);
(N) Section 38.048 (Substantiation of Offered Prices);
(O) Section 38.049 (Preference for Bidders and Offerors Located in the City); and
(P) Section 38.067 (Contractor Accounting Requirements).
(Ord. passed 6-20-2005)