Unless otherwise authorized by, the Charter of the city or this code, all contracts and purchase orders shall be awarded by one of the following methods:
(A) Competitive sealed bidding as set forth in § 38.021 of this chapter;
(B) Competitive sealed proposals as set forth in § 38.022 of this chapter;
(D) Recurring procurements as set forth in § 38.024 of this chapter;
(E) Small purchases as set forth in § 38.025 of this chapter;
(F) Sole source procurement as set forth in § 38.026 of this chapter;
(G) Emergency procurements as set forth in § 38.027 of this chapter;
(H) Waiver of bid or proposal requirement for extraordinary conditions as set forth in § 38.028 of this chapter;
(I) Exempt services are set forth in § 38.029 of this chapter;
(J) Investments or insurance as set forth in § 38.030 of this chapter; and
(K) Other methods of source selection may be established by regulation as may be promulgated by the Director of Purchasing.
(Ord. passed 6-20-2005)