No building permit shall be issued unless the applicable requirements of this chapter and the building codes adopted herein, the county zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, groundwater protection ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining thereto are met. All work done under any building permit issued herein shall be in full compliance with the applicable requirements of this chapter, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision ordinance, the groundwater protection ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining thereto. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)
No certificate of occupancy for any building or structure constructed, altered, or repaired after the adoption hereof, shall be issued unless such building or structure was constructed, altered, or repaired in compliance with the applicable requirements of this chapter, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision ordinance, the groundwater protection ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining thereto. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)
Whenever in the codes adopted by reference herein it is provided that anything must be done to the approval or subject to the direction of the building inspector, or any other officer of the county, this shall be construed to give any such officer only the discretion of determining whether the rules and standards established by ordinance have been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any officer discretionary powers as to what such codes or standards shall be, or power to require conditions not prescribed by ordinance or to enforce ordinance provisions in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)
A. Established: There is hereby created the board of building appeals, hereinafter called the board. The board shall consist of five (5) members, appointed by the county commission. No county officer or employee may serve on the board. In making appointments, the county commission will consider the integrity, impartiality and knowledge of building construction of the potential members.
B. Terms, Officers, Quorum: Members of the board shall serve for five (5) year terms, provided that the persons first appointed shall serve for one, two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) year terms so one term will expire each year. Terms will start on January 1. The board shall select from among its members a chair, vice chair and secretary. Three (3) board members constitute a quorum and decisions of the board must be by a majority vote of those present at a meeting.
C. Services And Supplies: The county commission shall assign office help and provide supplies for the work of the board.
D. No Compensation: Members of the board shall serve without pay. Board members may be reimbursed for their expenses. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)