All work on the construction, alteration and repair of buildings and other structures shall be performed in a good, workmanlike manner according to accepted standards and practices in the trade. The provisions of the codes adopted in section 9-1-4 of this chapter shall be considered to be standard and acceptable practices for all matters concerning building construction, not otherwise provided for by ordinance. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)
No building permit shall be issued unless the applicable requirements of this chapter and the building codes adopted herein, the county zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, groundwater protection ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining thereto are met. All work done under any building permit issued herein shall be in full compliance with the applicable requirements of this chapter, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision ordinance, the groundwater protection ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining thereto. (Ord. 2007-929-O, 2-6-2007)