93.01 Definitions
93.02 Sale or use prohibited; exception for public display with a permit and for consumer fireworks around the Fourth of July
93.03 Consumer fireworks; restrictions on sale
93.04 Bond or liability insurance requirement
93.05 Exempted sales and uses
93.06 Destruction of fireworks
Fire Prevention
93.20 Blasting permit
93.21 Storage of flammables and other matter
93.99 Penalty
Dumping or burning garbage, see § 50.09
(A) No person, firm, co-partnership, or corporation shall offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail, keep with intent to sell, possess, use, or explode, any display fireworks, except as provided herein:
(1) The Chief of the Fire Department or other authorized city official may grant permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by the city, fair associations, amusement parks, and other organizations or groups of individuals. Every display shall be handled by a competent display operator to be approved by the public official by whom the permit is granted, and shall be of such character, and so located, discharged or fired as in the opinion of the official, after proper inspection, to not be hazardous to property or endanger any person. COMPETENT DISPLAY OPERATOR shall be defined as the person with overall responsibility for the operation and safety of a fireworks display. The competent display operator shall have a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) License and have participated as an assistant in firing at least five public displays. A COMPETENT DISPLAY OPERATOR is also an employee possessor. A permit under this division (A)(1) shall be issued only to a competent display operator holding an ATF license. At least one competent display operator shall be on site during display set-up and firing. This competent display operator shall maintain a copy of the permit application, as signed by the local authority having jurisdiction as identified in this section, on site and at all times the display is in place, and shall be presented on demand of the state fire marshal or local fire chief. All public displays that require issuance of a permit shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1123 Code for Fireworks Display (adopted edition). Permits shall be filed with the office of the State Fire Marshal at least 15 days in advance of the date of the display. After the privilege is granted, sales, possession, use and distribution of fireworks for the display shall be lawful for that purpose only. No permit granted under this division shall be transferable. For the purpose of this section, “public display of fireworks” shall include the use of pyrotechnic devices or pyrotechnic materials before a proximate audience, whether indoors or outdoors. Any person remaining within the display area shall be identified as licensed by the ATF, or an employee thereof, or be an assistant in training to become a competent display operator. All persons remaining within the display area shall be at least 18 years of age. The Commissioner of the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction with recommendation from the State Fire Marshal shall promulgate administrative regulations in accordance with KRS Chapter 13A to administer the provisions of this division. The regulations shall
address the process by which permits are issued and any other procedures that are reasonably necessary to effectuate this subsection.
(2) The sale, at wholesale, of any display fireworks for permitted displays by any resident manufacturer, wholesaler, dealer, or jobber, in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives if the sale is to the person holding a display permit as outlined in division (A) of this section. The permit holder shall present the permit along with other verifiable identification at the time of sale.
(3) The sale of display fireworks in accordance with a license issued by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
(4) The sale and use in emergency situations of pyrotechnic signaling devices and distress signals for marine, aviation, and highway use.
(5) The use of fuses and railway torpedoes by railroads.
(6) The sale and use of blank cartridges for use in a show or theater or for signal or ceremonial purpose in athletics or sports.
(7) The use of any pyrotechnic device by military organizations.
(8) The use of fireworks for agricultural purposes under the direct supervision of the U.S. Department of the Interior or any equivalent or local agency.
(KRS 227.710)
(B) Nothing in this section shall be contained to prohibit consumer fireworks, as defined in KRS 227.702.
(1) Consumer fireworks, as defined in KRS 227.702, may lawfully be used to explode, fire, shoot, or set off within the city limits July 1 through 5 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. only; except on July 4 when the allowable times shall be expanded to noon thru 11:00 pm. Such consumer fireworks may only be used by individuals at least 18 years of age, or under the supervision of a parent or guardian, and shall not be ignited within 200 feet of any structure, vehicle or any other person. Fireworks, including consumer fireworks, shall not be ignited or discharged from a motor vehicle and shall not be ignited or discharged on public property or property of another without the consent of the owner or occupant.
(2) Other than these dates and times, it is unlawful to explode, fire, shoot, or set off fireworks inside the corporate limits of the city without a permit issued by the city.
(Am. Ord. 2017-04, passed 11-13-17)
Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) Except as provided in § 93.02, the consumer fireworks described in § 93.01 may be offered for sale, sold at retail, or kept with the intent to sell, only if the requirements of this section are met.
(B) Any person, firm, co-partnership, non-profit, or business intending to sell consumer fireworks as described in § 93.01 shall register annually with the State Fire Marshal in accordance with KRS 227.715, and display its registration certificate in a conspicuous location at the site.
(C) Each site at which fireworks are offered for sale shall comply with all applicable provisions of the International Building Code, with Kentucky Amendments (adopted edition), and NFPA 1124 (National Fire Protection Association) Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (adopted edition).
(D) No person or business shall give, offer for sale, or sell any consumer fireworks listed in § 93.01 to any person under 18 years of age.
(KRS 227.715 (1), (6) - (8)) Penalty, see § 93.99