(A) It shall be a violation of this section for a person to sell, offer to sell, trade, barter, or give away, in Warrick County, any live animal, including birds and/or reptiles, for any of the following purposes:
(1) As a novelty or prize;
(2) As an inducement to enter a place of amusement;
(3) As an incentive to enter any business establishment; or
(4) As an incentive to enter into any business agreement whereby the offer was made for the purpose of attracting trade or business, other than business establishments selling animals as their primary business.
(B) It shall be a violation of this section for any person to transport into Warrick County any live animal, including birds and/or reptiles, for any purpose prohibited in division (A) above.
(C) It shall be a violation of this section for a person to sell, offer to sell, or otherwise dispose of any animals whose appearance has been artificially or chemically colored, sprayed, or painted.
(BC Ord. 2018-26, passed 9-24-18; Am. BC Ord. 2021-35, passed 9-27-21; Am. BC Ord. 2023-27, passed 12-27-23) Penalty, see § 131.99
(A) Animals must be confined to the owner's real property and not permitted to run loose. While on the owner's real property, but not under the owner's direct control, animals must be secured without means of escape by a leash, or otherwise be confined to a pen, fenced (either physical or electronic) enclosure, corral, cage, house, or other secure enclosure. In agriculturally zoned areas, however, cats may be allowed to run at large on the owner's property when not under the owner's direct control.
(B) No animal shall be hitched, tied, or fastened by any rope, chain, cord, or other similar material that is directly attached to the animal's neck. Animals that are tied, hitched, or fastened shall wear a properly fitted collar or harness, other than a choker-type collar. This section does not prohibit the use of a choker-type collar in the training of animals or in the leading of the same.
(C) An owner shall not permit prong-type collars to remain on an animal when the animal is not in training. In no instance shall a prong-type collar be permitted by an owner to remain on an animal for a continuous period of 24 hours or more.
(D) A tether or tie-out for a dog shall be at least three times the length of the dog as measured from the tip of said dog's nose to the tip of its tail. The tether or tie-out shall be of adequate strength for the breed, weight, size, and age of the dog in order to keep the dog secure.
(E) No person shall permit an animal to access a roof or overhang by any means, including, without limitation, through an open window.
(BC Ord. 1992-2, passed 2-10-92; Am. BC Ord. 2018-26, passed 9-24-18; Am. BC Ord. 2021-35, passed 9-27-21; Am. BC Ord. 2023-27, passed 12-27-23) Penalty, see § 131.99
No person shall beat, cruelly treat, neglect, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse any animal, or otherwise cause, instigate, permit, or promote combat between animals, including fowl. The definitions set forth in I.C. 35-46-3 et seq. are incorporated herein by reference.
(BC Ord. 1992-2, passed 2-10-92: Am. BC Ord. 2018-26, passed 9-24-18; Am. BC Ord. 2021-35, passed 9-27-21; Am. BC Ord. 2023-27, passed 12-27-23) Penalty, see § 131.99