   31.01   Regular business hours for county offices
   31.02   Membership in state-wide associations
   31.03   Mileage reimbursement for county employees
   31.04   Per diem rates for meals and lodging for county employees
   31.05   Money for travel and entertainment in certain circumstances
   31.06   Public Employees Retirement Fund
   31.07   Medical Insurance for Retired County Employees
   31.08   Purchasing policy for the procurement of equipment, goods, materials and services
   31.09   Employee Handbook amendments
   31.10   Disclosure of contracts with relatives
   31.11   Nepotism prohibited
   31.12   Cell phone usage
   31.13   Conflict of interest policy and minimum threshold
   31.14   Use of county vehicles and fringe benefit policy
   31.15   Photo identification policy
   31.99   Penalty
   (A)   Establishment of regular business hours.
      (1)   Each county office maintained for the transaction of business with the public or with other county offices shall be kept open for the transaction of such business at least each week, Monday through Friday, inclusive, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., prevailing local time.
      (2)   The Board of Commissioners shall annually establish a schedule of holidays during which each county office may be closed.
      (3)   Those offices with only one full time, regular employee or no employees in addition to the elected office holder may be closed during a lunch break not exceeding 12:00 noon until 1:00 p.m. of each day providing notice of such closing is posted in a conspicuous place near the public entrance to said office.
      (4)   It shall be the duty of the elected office holder in elected offices and the appointed superior in appointed offices to ensure compliance with this section.
   (B)   County offices excluded from this section.
      (1)   The County Circuit Court; The County Superior Court; the County Prosecuting Attorney and those offices funded through the budgets of those respective offices; the County Department of Public Welfare; the County Emergency Medical Service; the County Sheriff's office; the County Landfill; the County Highway Department; and the County Agriculture Stabilization Conservation Service are excluded from the provisions of this section.
      (2)   Commissioners may by resolution exempt other offices from the terms of this section or establish different hours of operation in accordance with the individual needs of those respective offices.
   (C)   Injunction proceedings.
      (1)   The Board of Commissioners may institute a suit for injunction in the circuit or superior courts of the county to restrain an individual from violating the provisions of this section.
      (2)   In the event the Board of Commissioners is successful in its suit for injunction herein, the defendant shall bear the costs of the action.
(BC Ord. CO-1982-1, passed 10-15-82; Am. BC Ord. 2009-01, passed 1-1-09; Am. BC Ord. 2009-30, passed 12-28-09) Penalty, see § 31.99
   (A)   The County Auditor, County Assessor, County Treasurer, County Recorder, County Circuit and Superior Courts Clerk, County Surveyor, County Council, Board of Commissioners, County Area Planning Commission members and employees, the Director and employees of the County Department of Public Welfare and the County Prosecuting Attorney and his employees are authorized to join state-wide associations of like elected officials and public servants.
   (B)   Said office holders and public servants are hereby authorized to submit claims to the county for the payment of all dues and assessments to offset the costs of operation of said association upon a proper appropriation of funds for the payment of the same in the respective budgets.
(BC Ord. 1985-7, passed 2-4-85)
   County employees who have been authorized to use their personal vehicles for county business shall be reimbursed at a rate of $0.49 per mile.
(CC Ord. 1988-1, passed 2-11-88; CC Ord. 2001-04, passed 9-6-01; CC Ord. 2004-02, passed 2-5-04; CC Ord. 2005-01, passed 11-3-05; CC Ord. 2008-04, passed 9-4-08; CC Ord. 2022-02, passed 8-4-22)