   Each developer shall be required to provide, install and meet the following minimum requirements for each street, public way or alley:
(a)   Sewer. A sanitary sewer of not less than eight inches in diameter, and of greater size if conditions indicate that an extension will be necessary together with all necessary manholes and appurtenances. Sanitary sewers shall be placed in the center of the street as near as possible and the trench backfilled with gravel, slag or limestone as approved by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building. All backfill shall be tamped with a mechanical tamper in layers as directed by the Engineer. The type and manner of backfill shall apply to any portion of mains or laterals that is within the right of way of the street or alley. A special permit setting forth any additional requirements not covered by this chapter or the general specifications of the City, and prepared by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building, shall be signed by the Director of Service and Safety, the developer and the registered licensed sewer building.
(b)   Water Main. A water main of not less than six inches in diameter with all necessary valves, hydrants at 500-foot intervals and appurtenances, of a design and material approved by the Director of Public Service and Safety and the Superintendent of the Water Department. The backfill of that portion of the trench which will be under the pavement, curb or sidewalk shall be of gravel, slag or limestone, and mechanically tamped in layers as directed by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building.
(c)   Minimum Pavement Requirements.
(1)   One-inch asphaltic concrete surface course on a two-inch asphaltic concrete base course on an eight-inch compacted subbase utilizing materials approved by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building and in accordance with specifications of the Engineering, Planning and Building Department.
(2)   Storm sewers of adequate size shall be installed where necessary and connected to the nearest outlet approved by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building. Concrete curbs shall be placed with an approved four-inch sewer pipe curb drain, including porous backfill. The curb drain is to be placed at the location and depth specified by the Engineer and the drain connected to an inlet, catchbasin or manhole. The width of pavement shall not be less than twenty-five feet between curbs. Two holes for downspout drains shall be made in the curb for each lot and made according to City specifications.
(3)   A concrete combined curb and gutter may be used, in which event the distance shall be twenty-six feet from back to back of curbs. The combined curb and gutter shall be thirty inches in width and have a minimum thickness of eight inches. Approved sewer pipe curb drain shall be placed in the location and at the depth specified by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building.
(4)   The subgrade upon which the pavement is to be placed is to be well graded, rolled, firm and unyielding and free of spongy or springy spots, in accordance with specifications of the Engineering, Planning and Building Department.
(d)   Sidewalks. A five-foot wide concrete, brick or stone walk along each side of the street shall be in accordance with the City specifications. Crosswalks at street intersections shall extend to the pavement and be in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(e)   Engineer's Approval. All plans of streets, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and walks are to have the approval of the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building and shall have been prepared by a civil engineer, licensed in the State; such plans shall bear the seal of the Engineer. All stakes set for the improvements shall be by someone qualified to do so.
(f)   Construction Surety Bond. Before starting work on any improvements, the developer, or the developer and contractor together, shall furnish a construction surety bond to the City for the full estimated cost of water lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, pavement and sidewalks, assuring and guaranteeing the City that all work will be in conformity with the specifications and standards of the City and of the approved plans, and that all improvements will be completed within two years from the date of such bonds. The bonds shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Law.
Separate bonds may be furnished for water lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, paving and sidewalks.
The Director of Engineering, Planning and Building is authorized to release the construction surety bonds as soon as the work covered by the surety bond has been completed to his satisfaction, and the maintenance bond has been furnished as is required in subsection (g) hereof.
(g)   Maintenance Surety Bond. Before the releasing of construction bonds, as outlined in subsection (f) hereof, a maintenance surety bond equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the estimated cost of the improvement shall be furnished; the bond shall run for a period of two years from the date of the construction surety bond release. The maintenance bond may be furnished separately on water lines, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and paving, including curbs and sidewalks. The maintenance bond shall be subject to the approval of the Law Director.
(h)   Materials and Work. All materials and work shall conform to the requirements of the City and of the state specifications where they apply.
(i)   Sanitary and Storm Sewers. All sanitary and storm sewers shall be installed in accordance with all applicable regulations and permits of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and by a registered sewer builder, who shall be present when the sewers are being installed or have a representative in charge, vested with the authority to proceed as directed by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building or his representative.
      (Ord. 10666/94. Passed 5-11-94.)