1123.01 Conformity to City specifications required.
1123.02 Water.
1123.03 Sewers.
1123.04 Street trees.
1123.05 Iron pins at lot corners.
Engineering Department - see ADM. 129.02
Street improvements and assessments - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 903
Water - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 921
Sewer regulations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 923
Improvements defined - see P. & Z. 1111.10
When owners may petition for improvements - see P. & Z. 1115.02
All improvements herein required shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer and/or other public agencies having jurisdiction over the required improvements, and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1115
of this Code.
(Ord. 5921/62. Passed 5-14-62.)
Each lot in a proposed subdivision must be provided with a water connection between the curb and the walk with access to public water if the subdivision is located within the corporate limits of the City. Working drawings shall be submitted to the Water Department and other appropriate departments for approval.
(Ord. 5921/62. Passed 5-14-62.)
(a) Sanitary Sewers. Each lot in a proposed subdivision which is located within the City shall be provided with a sanitary sewer connection and with access to a City sewer. The layout and installation of any such sewer system shall be approved by the City Engineer. Each connection to a sanitary sewer shall extend back of the curb line so that connections from each lot may be made without disturbing the street surfacing.
(b) Storm Sewers. If a storm sewer is reasonably accessible to a proposed subdivision, the developer shall connect with such storm drainage system and shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures as may be required by the City Engineer. If the subdivision is located in an area where a public storm water sewer is not available, the developer shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures as may be required by the City Engineer. Storm sewers may not empty into any sanitary sewer.
(Ord. 5921/62. Passed 5-14-62.)