A person operating or having operated an open dump for disposal of solid waste or a person who owns land on which an open dump is or has been operating shall immediately close the site in accordance with the following requirements:
(A) Implement effective vector control, including baiting for at least two weeks after closing, to prevent vector migration to adjacent properties;
(B) If the site is deemed suitable by the Division, compact and cover existing solid waste in place with two feet or more of suitable compacted earth; a condition of closing the site by compacting and covering the waste in place shall be recordation of the waste disposal location by the property owner with the County Register of Deeds. Copies of the recordation procedure may be obtained from and inspected at the Division;
(C) If the site is deemed unsuitable by the Division, remove and place solid waste in an approved disposal site or facility;
(D) Implement erosion control measures by grading and seeding; and
(E) Prevent unauthorized entry to the site by means of gates, chains, berms, fences and other security measures approved by the Division and post signs indicating closure for a period designated by the Division not to exceed one year.
(Ord. O-93-14, passed 9-7-1993) Penalty, see § 50.99